Back On Track Together
At this rate it will take me years to walk the trail
The fact that you are doing it and getting moving speaks volumes!!!! don't beat yourself up over what you have not yet accomplished, but celebrate what you have accomplished and continue to change to move yourself closer to your goals. Maybe set smaller goals for yourself? You WILL walk that trail. Maybe not today and perhaps not tomorrow, but you will!!!! I think 5 miles is AWESOME!!!!! and thanks for the laugh about forrest
( i love that movie)...
chin up... you can do this!!!!!!

chin up... you can do this!!!!!!

Lap-Banded March 16, 2010
'once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right'
'once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right'
You are doing it and that is what is important. Consistency and persistence are what matter and you've got that going for you.
Congratulations on the 5 miles.
Congratulations on the 5 miles.
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
Cathy, thanks.. I am at times my own worst enemy.. In my mind I know what I'm capable of doing and then get mad when I don't accomplish what I want. Are we all harder on ourselves than we are on other people. Does that make sense. Someday I hope I can just be at peace with myself and stop the beating up... Wow where did that come from.. Maybe by speaking what is in my head it will help me get beyond the thoughts. is this making any sense at all. I think I'm going to go for a walk..
Thanks for the congrats.. Maria
Thanks for the congrats.. Maria
If it's going to take you a year, it's going to take me 10 years LOL I walked 2 miles today and thought I was doing great - well, that's not quite right - I KNOW I was doing great because I haven't walked for a while and throught I'd only be able to walk one mile
Give yourself a giant pat on the back You've earned it!!!!

Give yourself a giant pat on the back You've earned it!!!!