Back On Track Together
I DID IT I DID IT!! I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm Normal!! Well, that's a far stretch of the truth if I ever made one - BUT when I signed on to my WiiFit program, it told me my BMI was in the normal range! I did not realize how close I was and through it would be at least a week or two before I got there. Now, I am just barely in that range and my goal is to go down the low end of Normal - but, I AM THERE!
Happy Friday to one and all BOTTers
Hi HappyLapBander,
That is awesome! Congratulations. That is definitely a WOW moment that you'll remember.
What are your favorite Wiii Fit games? Mine is the advanced step so far. I think you mentioned something about Dance Dance Revolution for Wii Fit. I haven't been able to find that separate game to check out. If you have some information, I'd appreciate it if you could let me know.
Again, congratulations on being NORMAL!
All the best, Cathy
That is awesome! Congratulations. That is definitely a WOW moment that you'll remember.
What are your favorite Wiii Fit games? Mine is the advanced step so far. I think you mentioned something about Dance Dance Revolution for Wii Fit. I haven't been able to find that separate game to check out. If you have some information, I'd appreciate it if you could let me know.
Again, congratulations on being NORMAL!
All the best, Cathy
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
Thanks so much - this is one time (and maybe the only time LOL) I will see being "normal" as a positive thing 
I haven't gotten to any of the advanced programs even though I have earned some. I like the beginning running and the steps (even though I'm not very good at it). Sunday I'm going to a walking event and Wii is supposed to have a booth there so I'm hoping to get (or find out how to get) the DDR. I do know the latest version advertises a specifi fittness option. Will let you all know what I find out.
I'm so glad to have my BOTT family to share with.

I haven't gotten to any of the advanced programs even though I have earned some. I like the beginning running and the steps (even though I'm not very good at it). Sunday I'm going to a walking event and Wii is supposed to have a booth there so I'm hoping to get (or find out how to get) the DDR. I do know the latest version advertises a specifi fittness option. Will let you all know what I find out.

I'm so glad to have my BOTT family to share with.