Back On Track Together
What would you walk a mile for?
I may be dating myself but do you remember the old advertisement 'I'd walk a mile for a Camel' and in that case a Camel was a cigarette... Well I'm not a smoker, never really have been..
Not that that has anything to do with anything : ) but I have the thought in my head today and am curious ... what would you walk a mile for...
me. hmmm
I'd walk a mile to be with friends and family
I'd walk a mile to clear my head and breath the fresh outside air
I now have a mind block.. when I started this note I had a long list.. so tell me what you'd do it for
Not that that has anything to do with anything : ) but I have the thought in my head today and am curious ... what would you walk a mile for...
me. hmmm
I'd walk a mile to be with friends and family
I'd walk a mile to clear my head and breath the fresh outside air
I now have a mind block.. when I started this note I had a long list.. so tell me what you'd do it for
I'd walk a mile for cancer research (which I did)
I'd walk a mile for family or friends
I'd walk a mile for health
I'd walk a mile for a protein shake (I really like them lol)
I guess there are a lot of things I'd walk a mile for now. Diden't used to be that way.
I'd walk a mile for family or friends
I'd walk a mile for health
I'd walk a mile for a protein shake (I really like them lol)
I guess there are a lot of things I'd walk a mile for now. Diden't used to be that way.
Wayne Nale
"I can do ALL things through christ who gives me the strength"
I'm about as athletic as a snail but I can walk and I feel so good when I do.
Right now I'm not in shape (one's conditioning goes fast @ age 76 LOL) and I have to fight - if I can't walk at least 3 miles, there's no point in walking. Currently I'm really enjoying my new WiiFit exercise options.
Keep up your great walking!!!

Keep up your great walking!!!