Back On Track Together
new and interesting bot tips?
Hi! I had the VBG with sleeve gastrectomy in April 2004, so I don't have malabsorption either. My key has been to get at least 60-75g of protein in a day and I've been journaling on I gained 30 lbs in 2 months because of emotional eating recently. I've been BOTTing a week now. I'm also looking for eating disorder counselors in my area as well. My only tip is to keep a variety of foods around. I got into eating the same thing over and over. When I found myself over-tired or emotional it was too easy to reach for conveniently packaged carbs.
Take one thing and say for this next week (or two... or even for the next month!)... say that you will tackle that project and then when you master that one, get another one under your belt. So say you start with water. Get your fluids in for the next week. Really put that as a high priority. Then when you feel comfortable taking that... go for protein first. When you master that, go for the gym. Take as long as you need to master each "thing". Sometimes it takes time to get back on track. Don't expect change overnight and don't make the hardest change to be the first. Make the other ones stick first so you have the confidence to break the hardest one (say chocolate is your arch nemesis).
I hope this helps...
~AlyssaBand to Bypass (Band May 2005 --RNY July 2008)
"Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try." ~Yoda
(What is Interstitial Cystitis)
Evolution of Dance :)
Meet my pouch... The Gremlin:

I find when I journal not only does it help me stay on track with food and exercise but it also gives me another avenue to address the issues of why I wanted to eat.
I would see a pattern of when and why I was eating and that enabled me to plan ahead and avoid the pitfalls. For example I would eat out of boredom in the evening. I found if I take a walk, clean a closet, do lunges (I hate lunges) I would not eat. Just a little thing like waiting 10 mins helps. I found this game was great for me, because I had time to talk myself out of the head hunger.
Keep coming here and posting, we are here for you

Take care,
HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130