Back On Track Together
Wow...not in a good way though
Sorry for this rant...I know that the people on this group have all been right where I am right from those who have been there is what I need...How did you overcome the head hunger, how do you self deny? Thanks for all the help....I am on track today my protein before dinner is 72 grams so far...this is a good thing
Thanks for the help!
aka(gonna get it right!~!!!!)
Pre-op 284/Current 180/Goal 145 5'5
Surgery Date:April 23, 2007
I know exactly what you mean about eating out of boredom. We all have had that problem or we woulden't be here. The only thing that works for me is to keep busy and plan my meals and snacks. Breakfast at 8 snack at 10 lunch at 12 snack at 2:30 dinner at 5:30 protein shake or bar at 8. When I feel like grazing I know that it is only a short time till the next meal or snack. I also eat my snack very slow so that the desire to "graze" is fulfilled. As far as the head talk goes, we have had a lifetime to learn the negative talk it is going to take Time to retrain ourselves to think in a positive way. I don,t know if you can do this at work but when I am wanting really bad to eat I log onto here and look at before and after pics of people who have and are going through the same struggles I am. Hope this helps. I will be praying for you. Message me if you need.
Wayne Nale
"I can do ALL things through christ who gives me the strength"
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
You're right in the last post you made - one day at a time. Take your food choices, exercise and habits one day at a time. Then it doesn't feel so daunting and overwhelming sometimes.
I did exactly what you did. I maintained my weight easily for years and then an emotional period in my life occurred and I went back to what I knew which was leaning on food for comfort. I fell (and still do at times), I'm normal so you can eat that. Do that enough and we regain weight before we know it.
I've learned that I earn and keep my weight loss by making consistent healthy food choices the majority of the time. Yes, sometimes I'll veer off track in a choice but for the most part, I stay on track. I am protective of how hard it is to get and stay on track.
I've written a list of distractions of things I do rather than indulge in the head hunger. I try to "shut it up" as you say by focusing my attention on a distraction such as calling a friend or getting on this BOTT group with everyone. That helps me a lot.
It sounds like you are very aware and back on track. We're here for each other doing it one day at a time!
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
I have asked myself the same question over and over again. You will NEVER find someone as hard headed as me, oh no, I am not going to put any weight back on, I got this "thing" licked, I am strong and know all the right things to do and NEVER will go back there.....

One of the things I have come to accept that when life challenges you, rather it be emotionally or out of boredom, what do you think is normal, what do you think your head is going to turn to? What you have practiced your entire life or a couple of years?
Hello, what we know best., eating... We have to fight it all the way everyday and we may fall down at times but we can get back up, dust ourselves off and start the clock again.
I often visualize, a talking apple (yea I said that) on one shoulder and a chocolate anything on the other shoulder. Yep it talks too...kinda like the angel and the devil and one is saying go ahead eat it what is one more pound and the apple is saying no don't do it

Good luck to you and we are "ALL" here for you.
Now let's listen to the fruit people

Take care,
HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130
I also have a sit-down job and want to eat out of boredom! I am 3 1/2 years out. I haven't gained any weight back, but I have realized what I was doing......eating whenever, wherever, whatever I want! I was heading back to my old eating habits. I DON'T WANT TO GO THERE!
So I have been journaling. I have been writing everything down for several weeks now. You would be surprised how it will help you! I don't like to journal my food. And I tell myself I will not cheat....I write every bite, every sneak, everything down. Sure puts a whole new spin on how you feel about what you are eating. Such a perspective! I also made the decision to again join Weigh****chers. Just to be accountable. I know I can go to the hospital where I had my surgery to visit with a nutritionist for free, but that hospital is 30 - 45 minutes away and they are open when I am at work.
This is a mind game. Another thing I do is I have a really, really tight pair of jeans. I can zip them up. Really can't sit down in them. But I try them on ever so often just to be sure they can zip up. When they can't, I'm even more strick with myself. Silly I know, but it does work for me.
Maybe you should ramp up your exercise if you can. Exercise gives you endorphins which make you feel good about yourself! I know when I exercise, it does make me think twice about eating the wrong foods.
Another thing I do is I don't buy anything that I cannot eat (legally). My downfall is crackers of any type. Yes I have them, but not the flavored type and the ones I have have a note on them that says NO! When I first started this practice my husband was really confused but now it doesn't phase him if he wants a cracker LOL! Take good snacks with you to work so as not to be tempted by the bad ones. Incorporate a sweet treat into your plan-- just not every day.
I hope these help you. I know just revisiting them has helped me with new courage and vigor for what I am trying to accomplish with my weight. Put encouraging notes where you can read them also!
In the whole scheme of things, 19 lbs can be gone in a couple of months! YOU CAN DO THIS!
Many blessings to you and yours,
Lois K.