Back On Track Together
Just invested in this. Have only used it once for 20 min but think I'm really going to like it. Posted a question but it was on Wed Cafe so thought it might not be read by many so am making it a separate topic. I am considering getting the dance "game". Can anyone out there tell me a little bit about it. I have a realy problem giving myself permission to dance - wouldn't begin to do it in public! - but thought if I saw it as exercise I might gradually be brave enought to increase using it out at home. Are there beginner levels? I believe it come with different sets of music - given my vintage, I'm thinking about swing (someone told me that was one of my choices) Any info would be appreciated. I haven't found this program available in any of the local stores so will probably have to order it on line. March 8 there is a bicycle ride (way too long for me) and the Wii folks are supposed to have a booth there so that might be the place to gather more info. Thanks
Are you talking about Dance Dance Revolution? Oh my, it's addictive and FUN. I brought to a family vacation and got everyone, including my 75 uncoordinated mom doing it. On the Wii, you use the arms as well, but I turned that off because it's hard enough for me to do the feet.
You might be talking about something else, but DDR is a blast! Oh, and the skiing section in WiiFit is fun too.
You might be talking about something else, but DDR is a blast! Oh, and the skiing section in WiiFit is fun too.
Thanks so much - to tell you the truth, I'm so new at this Wii business I really haven't a clue what I'm talking about I have your mom beat by a year and I too am uncoordinated so if she has fun with it I think I would too. I may have to turn off the feet and just do the arms 
I haven't even tried all of the WiiFit choices yet. skiing is one I haven't tried yet. I did the best at soccer - guess I have a hard head - confuses me though to lean right when the ball's coming at me on the left - but I'm working on it. There's enough variety I think I won't get as bored. My cats may look at me like I've taken complete leave of my senses, but I can live with that and I'll be so proud of me when I learn to move more ways.
I think I'm going to go to their booth at a bicycle event March 8 - It's way more bicycling than I do, but the Wii folks are supposed to have a booth there and I'm hoping they have the dancing program - and now I even know what to ask about - Dance Dance Revolution!
Thanks again and have a very fine BOTT day

I haven't even tried all of the WiiFit choices yet. skiing is one I haven't tried yet. I did the best at soccer - guess I have a hard head - confuses me though to lean right when the ball's coming at me on the left - but I'm working on it. There's enough variety I think I won't get as bored. My cats may look at me like I've taken complete leave of my senses, but I can live with that and I'll be so proud of me when I learn to move more ways.
I think I'm going to go to their booth at a bicycle event March 8 - It's way more bicycling than I do, but the Wii folks are supposed to have a booth there and I'm hoping they have the dancing program - and now I even know what to ask about - Dance Dance Revolution!

Thanks again and have a very fine BOTT day
Hey HappyLapBander,
I'm so happy to see you back. I hope you're feeling better. You must be talking with Wii Fit. That is great news!!
My husband bought me a Wii Fit for Christmas. I've been sick for so long that I did it for awhile but had to take a break to recuperate. I've just gotten back to it.
My favorite is the step game. I've progressed past the advanced step to the free step. I can do it and it is close to dancing if you move your arms and get into it.
I've done the run which was okay. I've done the skiing and should be dead according to how I did on it (LOL). I done the soccer one too and probably should be brain dead from missing the balls but getting knocked in the head by the clears. I'm just getting back into it and since I like the feeling of accomplishment at this stage, I'm sticking to the step for now.
Glad to have you back!! Let me know what you find out at the booth on the March 8th event.
I'm so happy to see you back. I hope you're feeling better. You must be talking with Wii Fit. That is great news!!
My husband bought me a Wii Fit for Christmas. I've been sick for so long that I did it for awhile but had to take a break to recuperate. I've just gotten back to it.
My favorite is the step game. I've progressed past the advanced step to the free step. I can do it and it is close to dancing if you move your arms and get into it.
I've done the run which was okay. I've done the skiing and should be dead according to how I did on it (LOL). I done the soccer one too and probably should be brain dead from missing the balls but getting knocked in the head by the clears. I'm just getting back into it and since I like the feeling of accomplishment at this stage, I'm sticking to the step for now.
Glad to have you back!! Let me know what you find out at the booth on the March 8th event.
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
I'm glad to be back - probably won't say much until Sat since I'm not even attempting to get back on trac****il our friends leave - definately not a good example. LOL 
I like the soccer - think I must be very hard headed. since I've only had a total of 20 minutes I haven't even tried most of them. One thing I can tell for sure, I am not a hula hooper! It's not good when you flunk "beginner"
And I have a problem leaning right when the soccer ball is coming by on the right. Kind of like patting your head and rubbing your tummy at the same time. Haven't tried skiing yet but you're the second person who has recommended it. So will be sure and give it a try.
I had to reschedule my dr's appointment from this Tues to next Tues so hope to find out why I have so little energy - not that eating crazy could possibly have anything to do with it. I hate to admit I'm a creature of habit - but I am and I will do so much better when my "social life" allows me to get back into my good eating habits without the daily temptation of eating out. Some eating out I can handle just fine - but not every day.

I like the soccer - think I must be very hard headed. since I've only had a total of 20 minutes I haven't even tried most of them. One thing I can tell for sure, I am not a hula hooper! It's not good when you flunk "beginner"

I had to reschedule my dr's appointment from this Tues to next Tues so hope to find out why I have so little energy - not that eating crazy could possibly have anything to do with it.