Back On Track Together
Need Some Motivation...

So today is a new day...I'm going to pray and work on the thing I know I can change, and before I put in my mouth...STOP and take a deep breath, and realize I'm not hurting anyone but myself.
With healthy thinking like than, you're going to do just fine!
Now eating emotionally doesn't make you a really wretchedly rotten person - it simply means you are human
Unfortunately, I know of no surgical procedure that prevents us from eating emotionally from time to time.
Aren't we funny - we have financial and personal problems and think eating will take care of it. The truth is that most of us were raised by "food pushers" who taught us either subtly or not so subtly tha food = love. Well, guess what - food and love are often found together, but like salt and pepper, they are not interchangable.
So, when we cut out food as a comfort, we fail to put something else in its place. Seeking comfort is healthy - using food is unhealthy.
What about giant pats on the back for each 5 minutes you stay on track today as your comfort?
I believe in you, now, please, believe in yourself. YOU REALLY CAN DO IT!!!!

Now eating emotionally doesn't make you a really wretchedly rotten person - it simply means you are human

Aren't we funny - we have financial and personal problems and think eating will take care of it. The truth is that most of us were raised by "food pushers" who taught us either subtly or not so subtly tha food = love. Well, guess what - food and love are often found together, but like salt and pepper, they are not interchangable.

I believe in you, now, please, believe in yourself. YOU REALLY CAN DO IT!!!!


Good Morning!
You are already half way there, you know what you are doing and why, and you have a plan of attack! You are better off then some people that do not understand the whys.... As it was already said, you have to set mini goals, live each min at a time. Do not think 'okay, this week I am not going to get of track at all', try thinking for the now 'okay, this morning I am going to make wise choices and get BOTT'.
I know when I feel like eating out of emotion a large glass of ice water and gum help me out, will this work for you? I don't know, but just thought I would throw it out there for you.
Hope you have a great BOTTing day, and remember we are here for you!
You are already half way there, you know what you are doing and why, and you have a plan of attack! You are better off then some people that do not understand the whys.... As it was already said, you have to set mini goals, live each min at a time. Do not think 'okay, this week I am not going to get of track at all', try thinking for the now 'okay, this morning I am going to make wise choices and get BOTT'.
I know when I feel like eating out of emotion a large glass of ice water and gum help me out, will this work for you? I don't know, but just thought I would throw it out there for you.
Hope you have a great BOTTing day, and remember we are here for you!
Proud Wife to Ben 9/14/04
Proud Mommy to Zoeyann 9/30/08
Proud Wife to Ben 9/14/04
Proud Mommy to Zoeyann 9/30/08
Thank you, thank you, Denise for the suggestion of the gum. I use to keep a container of Eclipse on my desk, and it disappeared within a couple of days and I never replaced really did knock out that craving for sweets. I have been drinking more water...that was something I was NEVER good at, but I'm finding Crystal Light to be too sweet for me and I don't do soda's so that's a plus. Mini goals is a good day at a time. That's a slogan that the drug addicts use and I guess I am an addict...addicted to food.
Does it help to know that you are not alone? So many of us are struggling, hence the creation of this inspirational board! I am up 20 lbs. from my goal weight of 135 - less than two years ago, I was only 5 lbs. away from that goal - never did get to 135 but I will not give up! Like you, I am an emotional eater, always have been - does that mean I have to be branded for life as one? NO!!! I used to smoke too, many years ago - but the day I quit was the day I became a NON-SMOKER!!! Now, if I'm around cigarette smoke I get violently ill. Unfortunately, we have to eat every day of our lives - we can never simply turn our backs on food and say, 'never again' - we have to eat. I am struggling right now with what is fast becomming a devestating addiction - I can't go a day without (this sounds so STUPID) M&Ms. They are all over the place where I work and no matter how hard I try, i can't go a day without fistfuls of them. I am so sad and feel so defeated - but I can't give up, so I'll tell you what - can you give me some advice? See, I need you as much as you need me - and we all need each other that way - that's why we're here. I'm in your corner... let's see if we can help each other get through ONE DAY without feeding our demons! Be well, Maureen