Back On Track Together
Work and Eating
I work in a tax office from Feb thru April (I'm a sahm the rest of the year) so I went back to work this week. I find it so difficult to eat properly when I work. I'm not a morning eater, but I do try to get a protein shake down first thing when I get up. When I'm at home I have a pretty good eating routine down and I try to follow the routine most days. But, with working, I can't seem to follow any routine. Yesterday someone had cut up a bunch of fresh fruit (YUM) so I got a small bowl of that and picked on it throughout the day~but that was all I had besides several cups of tea b/c I was freezing! Then when I got home it seemed like I ate quite a bit~all healthy stuff that would have been on my menu anyway, but I felt full and bloated after eating. I don't have alot of spare time I can take to sit down and really eat, so I'll kind of be eating on the run~I can have food at my desk though, so at least I can get something in me. So, for everyone that works full time, any suggestions for me? Thanks in advance!!!!!!!
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"

Good luck. You can do it!!!
Good luck
I am an insurance agent and operations administrator so I have a daily struggle to put balance in my day with food. I keep a lot of things at my desk so if I have a few minutes to eat it is there.
I have listed a few below, hope this helps.
string cheese (I just bring some each day and love it at room temp)
cheese chunks
A variety of Protein bars that I have cut up into quarters and put in a container
small servings of nuts
packages of oatmeal
Kay's natural high protein snacks (I love the cereal just dry or in greek yogurt)
Click protein mix
herbal tea or coffee (sometimes I just keep a thermos at my desk)
boiled eggs
microwaveable soups (mostly chili)
I try to take a few 10 minute breaks to get in mini meals and make sure I have water or tea at my desk to sip in between.