Back On Track Together
An update since I haven't posted in a while
I have been doing some self analysis, and I've found that I like to eat when I am angry... not so much when I'm sad. Unfortunately for me, I tend to get mad at nights and end up eating bad carbs. I seriously need to get all of them out of the house! On the flip side, I have been doing better with filling the house with lots of fresh fruits and veggies and encouraging all in my family to eat them.
For exercise, I've been Wii-ing it up over the last 8 days. I feel good about getting in the exercise - especially the strength training! On days when I don't get to use the Wii, I've been pushing myself to go faster and longer on the treadmill.
I am feeling better mentally, and my dress pants seem to be getting loose ...still waiting for that darn scale to move!
Thanks for you encouragement,
Glad you're back WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER, YES WE CAN!!!!!

Continued success Kris.
Ms Shell
I do have the Wii (sports and fit). I'm very slowly learning to tell the family that I need my workout time, and they will just have to fend for themselves during that time. It's not going to change overnight, but they will eventually understand I need my time... it's best for all of us.
Remember this truth - No one can make anyone else think, do or feel anything - we can only invite and it's up to the other person whether or not they accept. If you could make everyone feel good you would - but you can't So, if you can't make them feel good it holds true you can't make them feel bad. The same is true in reverse - they can't make you feel either if you don't accept their ivitation. You're right on when you acknowledge it isn't your responibility to get your husband on track - it would sure be nice if you could get him on track, the zinger is, it just isn't possible.
Also, to get your needs met first is the least SELFISH thing you can do. Think about it this way - you can't pour out of an empty pitcher. If you aren't getting your needs met, you have so much less to give others.
Be kind, gentle and loving with yourself and have a fine BOTT day