Back On Track Together
Yes, now I can button my pants at the waist!!!!
Tried them on last night, not really expecting to quite be able to button them, but after 2 or 3 tries I made it. 
As I mentioned on Kathy's post yesterday, my next goal is to be able to button my pants at the waise AND breathe at the same time LOL
Figure that will happen in about a month. Sure a strong motivation to keep on BOTTing!
Thanks one and all for being the wind beneath my wings!

As I mentioned on Kathy's post yesterday, my next goal is to be able to button my pants at the waise AND breathe at the same time LOL

Thanks one and all for being the wind beneath my wings!

Awesome Job!!! That is such a great feeling! I can not wait till I can get back into my pre preg pants, all my tops fit, but only 3 pairs of my pants fit! When I came back to work, I cried and cried because I could not get into any of my work pants, I had to go out and buy 'Fat Girl Pants', I was really upset about that!
This group, and you are a big part of it, have given me such inspiration, I have change my mind set from IF I can get into them to WHEN I get into them!
Keep up the great work!
This group, and you are a big part of it, have given me such inspiration, I have change my mind set from IF I can get into them to WHEN I get into them!
Keep up the great work!
Proud Wife to Ben 9/14/04
Proud Mommy to Zoeyann 9/30/08
Proud Wife to Ben 9/14/04
Proud Mommy to Zoeyann 9/30/08
I think this group is AWESOME I know I would never have stuck to my re-losing goals without it.
And you're absolutely right - it is ot IF it is WHEN!!!! and, thinking that way, I've discovered the WEHN comes so much faster than I anticipated because the reason I'd give up before was because I really, down deep, wasn't sure it would ever happen.
We're all in this together and WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER, YES WE CAN!!!!
And you're absolutely right - it is ot IF it is WHEN!!!! and, thinking that way, I've discovered the WEHN comes so much faster than I anticipated because the reason I'd give up before was because I really, down deep, wasn't sure it would ever happen.

We're all in this together and WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER, YES WE CAN!!!!