Back On Track Together
I'm slowly returning to a 'normal' mindset
whatever 'normal' is ha. Last week I had to step away, no I didn't go far, I was doing some monitoring but I was not online as much as I normally am. I might have posted a message but I did my best to stay away because I think that is what I needed. I think, between the week that it was and all that was going thru my mind... add onto that the obsessing about both food and exercise and I hit overload. between that and changes happening with my job (all good) it was to much and something had to give . oh yeah plus my college class started which added more stress
I didn't stop thinking about all of it but I did my best to not obsess. I think it worked some so I'm going to try and stay a little low key this week again. this is probably TMI but it kind of goes along with the week. I know people have issues with constipation.. for me if I don't go for 2 days i'm in a panic because that is long for me. well I went from Monday to Friday last week.. so where I was calming down in other parts of my life this was causing great stress/distress. by Wednesday I was fibering up and took a some senikot (think thats the name) even eating foods that normally trigger me to run to the ladies room. Saturday I had gone to an outlet mall with my friend .... I must have used the ladies room or his bathroom 20 times that day so by Sunday I was back to normal and down 3 1/2 lbs from Friday. Maybe that was part of my mental cleanout process lol if that makes any kind of dumb sense.
So I'm going to keep a low profile again this week and work a few more things out... and then start adding things back into life with some limits. I've always had an issue with limits especially when it comes to helping others .. its one of the things I'm working on.. I'll always want to help but I have to make some changes as to the when and how oftens. a topic for another day.
I hope everyone is well and the posts have been great. Oh Kathy, I can't give up my scale right now.. I know it can be freeing but right now I think that would send me over the edge not knowing where i'm at. I'm sure there is a thought process to convince me otherwise but I'm not ready for that.. I need the babysteps there if I leap i might never return : )
thanks everyone for listening .. have a super week... Maria
I didn't stop thinking about all of it but I did my best to not obsess. I think it worked some so I'm going to try and stay a little low key this week again. this is probably TMI but it kind of goes along with the week. I know people have issues with constipation.. for me if I don't go for 2 days i'm in a panic because that is long for me. well I went from Monday to Friday last week.. so where I was calming down in other parts of my life this was causing great stress/distress. by Wednesday I was fibering up and took a some senikot (think thats the name) even eating foods that normally trigger me to run to the ladies room. Saturday I had gone to an outlet mall with my friend .... I must have used the ladies room or his bathroom 20 times that day so by Sunday I was back to normal and down 3 1/2 lbs from Friday. Maybe that was part of my mental cleanout process lol if that makes any kind of dumb sense.
So I'm going to keep a low profile again this week and work a few more things out... and then start adding things back into life with some limits. I've always had an issue with limits especially when it comes to helping others .. its one of the things I'm working on.. I'll always want to help but I have to make some changes as to the when and how oftens. a topic for another day.
I hope everyone is well and the posts have been great. Oh Kathy, I can't give up my scale right now.. I know it can be freeing but right now I think that would send me over the edge not knowing where i'm at. I'm sure there is a thought process to convince me otherwise but I'm not ready for that.. I need the babysteps there if I leap i might never return : )
thanks everyone for listening .. have a super week... Maria
Can I ever identify with the constipation issue!!!!! Also, I need the scales too. I would be in No Scale Hell if I tried to give them up. Think there's no problem with that as long as they serve me and I don't serve them. 
Think about this truth - To get your needs met before meeting others' is the most UNSELFISH thing you can do. You simply cannot pour out of an empty pitcher. If we don't get our needs met, we have so much less to give others.
Please do WHATEVER you need to do to take the very best care of yourself. We are here fo give support, caring and acceptance in whatever form best meets your needs - and you are the expert on what that is from day to day (or maybe minute to minute)
Thanks for sharing

Think about this truth - To get your needs met before meeting others' is the most UNSELFISH thing you can do. You simply cannot pour out of an empty pitcher. If we don't get our needs met, we have so much less to give others.

Please do WHATEVER you need to do to take the very best care of yourself. We are here fo give support, caring and acceptance in whatever form best meets your needs - and you are the expert on what that is from day to day (or maybe minute to minute)

Thanks for sharing