Back On Track Together
Friday Reflections
I've thought about what to say for our Friday Reflections all day long. I want to share something profound, inspirational, motivational and will knock your socks off. Truth is, I don't have anything to say because that's not how I'm feeling right now.
I can say that I'm in more of a reflective place within myself. I am overwhelmed right now. I am teaching three classes in addition to my wonderful full-time plus OH job and all the other gottas, need to and have to items in our lives. I love each and every thing but combined I tend to feel overwhelmed at times. I am so excited about so many things in my life that I want to do it all but that isn't realistic.
I think that anything we do "over" creates an imbalance. Overcommit, overdo, and even overeat adds to the overwhelm. Yep, I've overeaten this week because I have felt overwhelmed. What causes me not to feel overwhelmed is to take care of myself rather than over eat. Over anything usually leads to out of balance then overeat and feel even more overwhelm. It is so simple as I write this to you my BOTT friends. Yet when I'm feeling pulled like a octopus, it isn't so clear cut and simple.
As I write this, I am missing fun. I am missing the carved out time for myself, the things that I love and enjoy doing, the fulfillment that I feel of things that truly matter to me (like our BOTTing together).
As many of you know, I've been sick with pneuomonia and just getting over that, trying to wear contact lenses and the trials and tribulations of finding the right prescription combination and seeing blurry and fuzzy, all related to our treasured status of good health. I have become to realize more and more that good health is to be protected and cherished.
I always try to take away a lesson from situations, especially those that are challenging or struggles. My lessons I've learned:
1. Your health matters. It is what is most important because it allows you to enjoy and love your life and those important to you.
2. Have fun. Have some fun no matter what. Your health encompasses many things and fun is one of those components. Today, I laughed and cracked up with some of my co-workers. It was a fun time and to feel the connection with people that I enjoy and respect.
3. Make sure that you do something fulfilling. Something that matters to you. Don't get bogged down into the negativity of a situation but do something that is fulfilling to you. It doesn't need to be climbing the top of a mountain. I made some hot chocolate for my kids when they came home from school. I had an extra cup and I took it over to an elderly neighbor. I gave her a full cup of hot chocolate but I left with my own personal internal cup running over.
Maybe the next time it is my turn to share my Friday Reflections I'll knock your socks off but probably not. Sharing from mjy heart with all of you knocks my own socks off!
Thanks to each of you. You make a difference in my life.
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!

I just posted tjat I'm fighting the "I deserve to eat monster" (So I signed on to reach out to my BOTT friends and have subdued the wretched beast I'm happy to say)

What I've learned is - if you're hurting don't try and be a "brave little buckeroo" I spent this week taking muscle relaxants and pain pills for muscle and joint pain - only to give in and go to the dr yesterday and learn I don'g have a muscle or joint problem - it's an inflammed nerve root (Whatever in blazes a nerve root is) The meds he gave me are already working wonders.

I've also learned that I'm not about to eat when I'm talking to my BOTT friends! Don't want to let them down - don't want to let me down (See you can't give support without receiving support at the same time)

So, I've had better weeks - but not better BOTT weeks - just more comfortable BOTT weeks

So let's all go and have some zero calorie fun!!!! Or maybe pamper ourselves with a nice long smell-good bubble bath.

Hang in there. I know how you are feeling. This has been an "over done" week for me. I've had both GB's all week and I'm exhausted. Today I treated myself to a much needed pedicure. I closed my eyes as I was sitting in the massage chair with my feeties all warm and bubbly just try to take it all in. I then started to smell chocolate, I thought that I was hallucinating. I opened my eyes to peek and she was massaging my legs and feet with chocolate!!! It was a special that they were doing today. I had to admit that had I not been BOTTing, I would have probably dipped my fingers in it too! So with all of that being said, we shared a chocolate day.
It's great to be BOTTing with you!