Back On Track Together
Thursday, BOTT Cafe & Cardio
Happy Friday eve!! The day before Friday - yipee! Although with the ice and snow storms, my kids have been home from school all week. From working, teaching coaching classes every day this week, and having them home, I'm pooped and ready for the weekend to rest and continue to feel better!
I hope that everyone is having a great week BOTTing.
Here's my check-in:
CARDIO: Definitely not yet....waiting to feel completely better.
B - Cottage cheese
S - Kay's Naturals, Cinnamon Toast Pretzels
L - Turkey and White Cheddar Kruncheez
D - Morningstar Soy Veggie Patties (2)
S - Power Crunch bar
Take care and have a wonderful BOTT day!
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
Cardio: an hour of recumbent bike, book and me time
pre-WO - 1 bottle of water
WO - 2 bottles of water
B - carton of plain yogurt/TVP and SF vanilla syrup
1/2 bottle of water
S - rtd protein as creamer in my coffee
L - 2 vegetarian burgers and 2 slices cheese
1/2 bottle of water
S - primal strip
1 bottle of water
D - meatballs and whole wheat 'ghetti
1 bottle of water
Have a great day ya'll.....
Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot Do....
377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal
B~scrambled egg w/ham and cheese
S~protein shake
S~activia light w/blueberries
D~maybe chili
S~protein bar
Not sure about exercise yet. I'm off to work in a little while, but hope to get on the bike tonite.
Have a great day all!
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
Checking in after not being around for awhile -
CARDIO: 30 minutes elliptal (interval training)
B - Muscle Milk Light Choco. Mint RTD
S - 12 almonds
L - Cottage cheese and blueberries
S- Blue Bunny Black Cherry yogurt
D - Chicken breast and green beens
S - Maybe, a protein bar
B - Egg White Veggie Omelet Flat Bread Sandwich
S - Banana/P-nut butter and Click Protein Drink
L - Cottage Cheese/Fage mixed together
D - Mushroom stuffed chicken Breast
S - 100 cal. pack of almonds
I've a pretty good week, I've been writing everything down and it sure helps. I write my menu a head of time and then put a smiley face by my entry if I follow it and a frowny face when I don't. I had a lot more smiley faces than frowny faces and that was my goal for this week!!!
A few days ago i did some stupid things (more than one) and now I am in pain.
Not sure if the pain is from my back problem or if I aggravated an ulcer, but I do not like it anyway. FYI: a bad ulcer hurts in front (my belly is swollen) but it can also radiate to the back, imitating back pain (o, yea, like a really need that). So, last 2 days I am trying to take it easy, and by eating light and taking ulcer medication - I am trying to eliminate possibility that the pain is ulcer related. I hope, since it can be dealt with, and since I had that before and it was most likely an ulcer..I hope it is that and not my back.
I did good yesterday - I stayed mostly on all clear liquids (beside one banana, that is good for ulcer, though afterwords i was hurting more...).
Today I will have another light day, mostly drinks, and hope that the pain I was in will go away for good.
B: prot coffee
S: banana
L: isopure (20 gr prot), kavali crisp
S: isopure (10 gr protein)
D: chicken stock with proteins
S: isopure
app: 80+ gr protein, 600 cal.
I should not have coffee but, since I had it every day last 3 weeks - I would end up with a headache - not something I want to deal with now.
(sorry - eddited for spelling - oops)
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
I've had another crazy day today, running with GD. Eating for today:
Breakfast - steel cut oatmeal
Snack - protein bar
Lunch - chicken salad, 1/2 apple
Dinner - buffalo burger w/veggies
Snack - 1/2 apple
I am trying to get my "scale hell" out of my system before Saturday. Have a good evening
Ok I'm trying my very best to watch my carbs and calories, so here it goes,,, I know at some point I have got to go out and start moving/exercising, but I have to take baby steps I will get there soon.
Pre-Breakfast 5am: Coffee, coffee and more coffee
Breakfast 730a: 2 eggs, 1 tortilla, 1 tbs of Avacodo, 2 tbs of beans
Lunch 1130a: 1 cup of Homemade Turkey Chili w/FF Mozzarella
Snack 2p: 1 low calorie bread & 1/2 chicken sausage
Dinner 6p: quesadilla, FF mozzarella & some left over pork chops
Snack 830pm: Spiced Chai Hot protein drink
Calories 1147
Protein 114
Net Carbs 43
Yesterday it was a struggle - was wanting comfort and, of course, wanted food. The only thing I did that deviated from my food plan was to eat a LOT of surgar-free, calorie-free pickles. No big deal. Was holding fluid this morning but expected that so didn't spook when my weight was up a bit.
This morning I finally looked my SI pain in the eye (well not really, since the pain's in my fanny so would have to be a contortionist to look it in the eyeLOL) after sleeping setting up in bed to sleep all night because it hurt so bad to sit up from laying flat and get out of bed. I called the dr when his office opened. Was able to get in about noon - he prescribed some meds - and they seem to be beginning to make a difference. Don't know why it takes me so long to decide that being in pain is NOT an unforgivable flaw in my character!

It will be a couple of days more at least before I start walking agin but I think I see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Commit to a BOTT food day tomorrow.
Cathy - I'm glad you didn't lose power!
Good night, my friends.