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List of bloodwork
My RNY surgeon retired and I'm going to a relatively new PCP to get bloodwork done. Does anyone have a list handy of the tests that we should get? I'm sure my PCP is knowledgeable and will know but I would like to be armed with some information to make sure I get everything checked that should be checked.
This is what my surgeon requires.
Follow-Up Testing Vitamin B-12 Level Folate Level Calcium / Magnesium / Phosphorus Levels Total Protein / Albumin Iron / TIBC, Ferritin, Transferrin CBC (Complete Blood Count), Hemoglobin and Hematocrit Chem. 7 (Electrolytes and Glucose) Liver Panel: SGOT / SGPT Alk Phos, GGT, T/D Bilirubin Cholesterol Triglyceride Level Hemoglobin A1c Level Vitamin A and E Levels Pyridoxal Phospahte (Vitamin B-6) Level Hormone levels
Follow-Up Testing Vitamin B-12 Level Folate Level Calcium / Magnesium / Phosphorus Levels Total Protein / Albumin Iron / TIBC, Ferritin, Transferrin CBC (Complete Blood Count), Hemoglobin and Hematocrit Chem. 7 (Electrolytes and Glucose) Liver Panel: SGOT / SGPT Alk Phos, GGT, T/D Bilirubin Cholesterol Triglyceride Level Hemoglobin A1c Level Vitamin A and E Levels Pyridoxal Phospahte (Vitamin B-6) Level Hormone levels
Just happen to have a list as I will be having blood work done in a few weeks for a follow up appointment for a fill. I know that my dr is very thorough so his list may differ a bit from some others - which in no way means they are not doing a good job. Here's what Dr. Lord is requesting I have done (along with ICD9 codes) 579.9 CBC, with differential and platelets (CBC, 579.9 Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (METP), 579.9 Iron (IRN), 579.9 Vitamin B-1 (VB1) Thiamine, and 579.9 Vitamin B-1 (BV12). Hope this helps

Here's the list that is generally circulated for recommended labs. This is what I have done. Also on this link is the spreadsheet I use to keep track of my own lab results. By having all results side by side in one spot you can see any downward trends that need to be dealt with before they become deficiencies.
For instance, my iron results from this past draw was well within the normal range. however, when you look at this result compared to the last draw 6 months ago, it had dropped 30 points and if it was allowed to continue to plummet until the next round of labs, I would have been in serious doo-doo.
Here's the link:
For instance, my iron results from this past draw was well within the normal range. however, when you look at this result compared to the last draw 6 months ago, it had dropped 30 points and if it was allowed to continue to plummet until the next round of labs, I would have been in serious doo-doo.
Here's the link:
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The scale can measure the weight of my body but never my worth as a woman. ~Lysa TerKeurst author of Made to Crave