Back On Track Together
I'm so frustrated with myself
I have the best plans and when I'm making them I really believe they will happen. I planned to begin my couch to 5k at least 3 times this week.. today I was going to do my total gym.. what did I accomplish nada.. thats right nothing. I have made a decision for this week. I'm not going to promise me nor am I promising anyone else on the exercise I want to do. I'm so disgusted with not getting it done I just need to take a mental break from it. Its not like I sat around today. I had my nieces family for dinner tonight so I was cleaning most of the day while prepping for dinner. This is also going to be a tough week. Saturday woul have been my mothers 75th birthday (she passed away in November 2003.. very suddenly) I'm not sure what I will do this year.. once or twice (pre-surgery) I would buy a piece of peanut butter pie and go sit at the grave and talk with her and have pie. I'm not a big cemetary person.. I think its just a marker to give peace to the living.. when I want to talk to my mom.. I can do that anywhere... and I usually do. I did go to the cemetary in November (my father passed in 2004 53 weeks after my mother) and I cleaned up around their tombstone..
OK I"m rambling on now sorry.. I'm just trying to figure out whats going on in my head...
To wrap this up.. I'm taking a week from posting food / exercise.. not that I won't be thinking about them and doing the absolute best that I can... I just need to re-group. Please don' t think of this as a cop-out.. I'm thinking it as a mental vacation
OK I"m rambling on now sorry.. I'm just trying to figure out whats going on in my head...
To wrap this up.. I'm taking a week from posting food / exercise.. not that I won't be thinking about them and doing the absolute best that I can... I just need to re-group. Please don' t think of this as a cop-out.. I'm thinking it as a mental vacation
Sometimes we need to take a "mental holiday" so go ahead and take one, just don't put your face in the freezer and dig out some frozen goodies to try and make yourself feel better mentally.
Write a long letter to your parents and take that walk or visit to the cemetary to deliver it instead of eating pie "together".
Write a long letter to your parents and take that walk or visit to the cemetary to deliver it instead of eating pie "together".
I am so sorry that you are going through such a difficult time. It seems that you have a plan, and that is a good step. Have you though about counseling? I find that when things are really getting to me, I journal my thoughts in a notebook. It's a great outlet to be able to write what I am really feeling without being criticized by anyone. No one here on the BOTT board will think of you as being a cop-out. Do what you need to do.
Take care and let us know how you are doing.
Its totally ok to take a break and sometimes its the best thing to do! It seems when we take the pressure off of ourselves to do XY&Z it helps us so much mentally. I'm so sorry you're going thru a tough time right now~I know what you mean about cemetaries~my younger sister passed away almost 12yrs ago (on April 15th and I work at a tax firm so that date is a part of my life
) Its really hard to deal with the feelings that come up from year to year~I hope you can find a way to deal with things that will make you feel at peace. Anyway, you're definitely not a cop-out! I think you're doing the right thing by taking the pressure off and taking a break right now! I will keep you in my thoughts this week~HUGS

~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
Lost my mom to breast cancer 2 years ago. I understand the sadness. And sadness and grief is something we have to find our way through. I really want to encourage you to find a way through it without turning to food. We've been there - done that. Overeating/endulging only adds anger on top of our grief - anger at ourselves for giving in to these stupid food demons again!
Maybe you can find something to do just to stay busy. Don't exercise if you can't make yourself do it - try cleaning your car, organize a drawer or something else to pour yourself in to. That way - you have done something you can feel good about - instead of kicking yourself for making poor food choices while you are going through this sad time in your life.
Hope you have a good week!
Maybe you can find something to do just to stay busy. Don't exercise if you can't make yourself do it - try cleaning your car, organize a drawer or something else to pour yourself in to. That way - you have done something you can feel good about - instead of kicking yourself for making poor food choices while you are going through this sad time in your life.
Hope you have a good week!
I know what you are saying with the working out.
I must have started the couch to 5k at least 3 times. This week is week 3 for me..... I am 1 year out, and didnt really work out at all. I had "good intentions" (dont we all). . . but life kept getting in the way (that is my story and Im sticking to it).
This Dec I had my 1 year follow up with my surgeon and 2 weeks later with my NUT, who both told me I was a success, but to maintain my loss, I NEEDED to add exercise.
I want to be a long term success, so I made it my New Year DETERMINATION to exercise. I have a gym at work that is free and the city has 2 gyms with pools that has a discount for employees of the hospital I work at, plus all the parks and walking trails here. There is absolutely no reason for me to not do something.
MY work schedule is such that I cant really workout on days I work, but I only work 3 days a week, leaving me 4 days to get off my ass and move.
I go to the gym on the days I dont work. I do 1 hr on the treadmill, incorporating my couch to 5k, and making sure I get a total of 4 miles in. Plus I also have a total gym, which I will be doing at least 15 minutes per day, even on days I work. I am currently looking for a family or child yoga dvd for me and my daughter to do together.
My NUT told me to make sure I add some fun stuff that my daughter and I can do together, so we rollerskate at least once a month and we are going to go ice skating probably this weekend.
This past year I spent my time learning what foods I should eat, and trying to deal with my ever changing body.
This year, I am thinking all about me, I have invested in bariatric vitamins, specially formulated to us. I have invested 1 hr of my day to me, to work out, to regroup, or whatever. I am worth 1 hr per day. What I do with it is up to me.
YOU ARE WORTH 1 HOUR PER DAY!!!!!! Take that time, some way some how, do with it what you will
When you come back next week, we will be here for you, just as you were all here for me, when I had a little breakdown last week. Look back for Kathys to do list on my confession post I think, and make sure to do all that is on the list..... I did!!!!!
I must have started the couch to 5k at least 3 times. This week is week 3 for me..... I am 1 year out, and didnt really work out at all. I had "good intentions" (dont we all). . . but life kept getting in the way (that is my story and Im sticking to it).
This Dec I had my 1 year follow up with my surgeon and 2 weeks later with my NUT, who both told me I was a success, but to maintain my loss, I NEEDED to add exercise.
I want to be a long term success, so I made it my New Year DETERMINATION to exercise. I have a gym at work that is free and the city has 2 gyms with pools that has a discount for employees of the hospital I work at, plus all the parks and walking trails here. There is absolutely no reason for me to not do something.
MY work schedule is such that I cant really workout on days I work, but I only work 3 days a week, leaving me 4 days to get off my ass and move.
I go to the gym on the days I dont work. I do 1 hr on the treadmill, incorporating my couch to 5k, and making sure I get a total of 4 miles in. Plus I also have a total gym, which I will be doing at least 15 minutes per day, even on days I work. I am currently looking for a family or child yoga dvd for me and my daughter to do together.
My NUT told me to make sure I add some fun stuff that my daughter and I can do together, so we rollerskate at least once a month and we are going to go ice skating probably this weekend.
This past year I spent my time learning what foods I should eat, and trying to deal with my ever changing body.
This year, I am thinking all about me, I have invested in bariatric vitamins, specially formulated to us. I have invested 1 hr of my day to me, to work out, to regroup, or whatever. I am worth 1 hr per day. What I do with it is up to me.
YOU ARE WORTH 1 HOUR PER DAY!!!!!! Take that time, some way some how, do with it what you will
When you come back next week, we will be here for you, just as you were all here for me, when I had a little breakdown last week. Look back for Kathys to do list on my confession post I think, and make sure to do all that is on the list..... I did!!!!!