Back On Track Together
This struck me as so funny
Be warned those of you that live in south Florida - you probably not going to fine this funny at all so I ask your forgiveness for laughing ahead of time - and I've already shared this with some of you so please excuse the repeat 
The other night I couldn't sleep so I turned on TWC just in time to hear this caution message. It seems there are a lot of igunanas in south Florida who sleep in trees. But, because they are cold blooded creatures, when the temperature is 40 degree or colder their boidies go into a deep sleep (I must be a cold blooded creature as that sounds like a marvelous response to me - just crawl in bed and pull the covers up around me LOL) When the iguanas do this, they fall out of their tree - so...people were cautioned to watch for falling iguanas. I'm sure if one fell on your head it would be funny at all - but to someone who lives in the panhandle of Florida I laughed so loud I woke up my cats.
Enjoy yourself and your day

The other night I couldn't sleep so I turned on TWC just in time to hear this caution message. It seems there are a lot of igunanas in south Florida who sleep in trees. But, because they are cold blooded creatures, when the temperature is 40 degree or colder their boidies go into a deep sleep (I must be a cold blooded creature as that sounds like a marvelous response to me - just crawl in bed and pull the covers up around me LOL) When the iguanas do this, they fall out of their tree - so...people were cautioned to watch for falling iguanas. I'm sure if one fell on your head it would be funny at all - but to someone who lives in the panhandle of Florida I laughed so loud I woke up my cats.

Enjoy yourself and your day

I read that on your other post and thought it was hysterical! Being from NW PA I can't even imagine something like that happening!!!!! My parents live in FL, but they're near Clearwater so I don't think they have this problem there. I can believe you could really get hurt by something like that falling on you though!!!!
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
Ah, I envy you being where it is warm and sunny. I am in mid eastern Illinois right near the Indiana state line. It has been "frosty" here for the past couple of weeks. We had temps of -10 last week. But, don't you miss the snow at all? I have to think I would miss it at least a little, especially around Christmas. I absolutely HATE driving in the snow and ice, but I love to look at it.
Take care
Take care
I miss the snow like I would miss a crutch!
In the panhandle where I live the beaches have white sand - so with a little imagination I could easily pretend it's snow if I needed to - in over 12 years I haven't needed to!!!! It's such a wonderful relief that cloudy winter skies do not mean it's going to snow. When I lived in Indiana I spent 6 months of the years stewing every night because it might snow and the other six months stewing because it was only six months until it miight snow.
I go back to Indiana at Thanksgiving (because it is less likely to snow than if it was Christmas) and we have the family Christmas - we call it Thanksmas.
As you can tell - I'm not a fan of snow (truly a four-letter word to me) and/or cold weather!

I go back to Indiana at Thanksgiving (because it is less likely to snow than if it was Christmas) and we have the family Christmas - we call it Thanksmas.
As you can tell - I'm not a fan of snow (truly a four-letter word to me) and/or cold weather!

Learned more from The Weather Channel last night and this really isn't funny at all. After the temperature warms up, these fallen iguanas wake up and if someone happens to have picked them up at that time, the iguana will bite them. Ugh!
While not at all cheery - can't blame the iguanas for just being iguanas.