Back On Track Together
I should have known better
I have prescription cough syrup that I take (robitusin w/codeine) when I get a bad cough and can't sleep at night because of it. I know that before taking it I need to eat something whether it be a cracker or some protein.. I need food in my stomach (this was also the case before surgery... that is why what happened, though it scared me ... I knew it would pass) So I woke up at 2:30 in the morning and could not stop coughing. My inhaler was downstairs but my cough syrup was right there not thinking I took it.. Well 20-30 minutes later I had the absolute worst pain in my mid section .. like there was a vice tightening around me. my heart was beating so fast and i started sweating. I could not find a comfortable position to stand/sit or lay. I will say it is very similiar to a very bad dumping episode. When it happened before, I almost called the ambulance but it passed before I made the decision and called the dr first thing in the am. she told me about the eating part.. I think it was probably 4 or 4:30 before I was able to go back to bed and I had very restless sleep after that.
And the lesson learned.. if you need to take a med w/food do it. This is a horrible experience and I don't wish for it to happen to anyone. I will also move the syrup downstairs so I'm more awake and will remember to eat something and not just take the med.
To make it worse, my college class starts tonight so I can't go home and go to bed.. i have to drive 45 min to the campus take the class and then 45 min home.. I won't get home til 10:00 ... Its going to be a very long evening..
Hoping you all are having a better day : ) I know tomorrow will be better Maria
And the lesson learned.. if you need to take a med w/food do it. This is a horrible experience and I don't wish for it to happen to anyone. I will also move the syrup downstairs so I'm more awake and will remember to eat something and not just take the med.
To make it worse, my college class starts tonight so I can't go home and go to bed.. i have to drive 45 min to the campus take the class and then 45 min home.. I won't get home til 10:00 ... Its going to be a very long evening..
Hoping you all are having a better day : ) I know tomorrow will be better Maria
I'm curious - does your cough syrup have sugar in it? I've never wondered about that before.
I'm so glad your pain did finally let up. I'd say when you make it through this day you've certainly earned a "gold star"
Sounds as though whatever tomorrow brings will almost have to be betterLOL
Hope you feel better all the way around!
I'm so glad your pain did finally let up. I'd say when you make it through this day you've certainly earned a "gold star"

Sounds as though whatever tomorrow brings will almost have to be betterLOL
Hope you feel better all the way around!

Well I looked on the internet and I'm thinking it does contain sugar. I do know that I had the same reaction before surgery on an empty stomach so I'm not sure if sugar was the cause. But I certainly will not discount that it could have been the sugar this time.
Its been such a long day today.. I had to drink a cup of coffee to get thru class and drive home. I got home aobut 10:15 and now I'm a bit wired from the caffeine ... calgon take me away : )
i'm watching the biggest loser and hopefully by the time i've zoomed thru it I'll be ready to sleep. I'm so glad I have flex time at work. I'm sleeping as late as possible tomorrow.. Good thing I only have a mile to drive to work.. I'd walk it if the road was less dangerous.
Ok now I'm rambeling.. ... I can't remember my point.. sorry tomorrow will be better thanks
Its been such a long day today.. I had to drink a cup of coffee to get thru class and drive home. I got home aobut 10:15 and now I'm a bit wired from the caffeine ... calgon take me away : )
i'm watching the biggest loser and hopefully by the time i've zoomed thru it I'll be ready to sleep. I'm so glad I have flex time at work. I'm sleeping as late as possible tomorrow.. Good thing I only have a mile to drive to work.. I'd walk it if the road was less dangerous.
Ok now I'm rambeling.. ... I can't remember my point.. sorry tomorrow will be better thanks
Do you use B-12? That is my secret (well, actually, not so secret) weapon against fatigue. Fortunately there is no toxic level of B-12 because mine is always off the charts when I have blood work done. I use one sub-lingual tablet every morning (letting it disolve under the tongue is the fastes route into the blood stream) If I am really tired at the end of the day, I have a second one. I just listen to my body and feed it B-12 if it says it is tired. This might help your fatigue - check with your dr to see if he/she approves.
Did you see the two hosts of Biggest Loser on the Lary King Show the other night? Interesting.
Please take very good care of yourself - glad you could sleep in this morning
Have a wonderful BOTT day

Did you see the two hosts of Biggest Loser on the Lary King Show the other night? Interesting.
Please take very good care of yourself - glad you could sleep in this morning

Have a wonderful BOTT day