Back On Track Together
So whats in your pantry
a couple times during the year I do this and every time I do I tell myself I'll be better organzied and won't have to do this again. Yeah right... I have a 5 shelf pantry that holds quite a bit of stuff and I randomly fill it up to where it gets very unorganized .. then I attack it and clean the clutter .. Well I guess the last time I just re-org'd and didn't look at expiration dates.. today I did.. I probably threw out 8 protein bars, yes money down the drain .. aaaahhhh... I can tell you I don't need to buy a protein bar or drink for maybe 6 months (hopefully they all stay fresh during that time) The drinks I think i'll be good with the bars they tend to get hard and unedible (is that a word hmmm) I have a bag of 'food stuff' for my nieces family.. stuff I don't need to eat but they will be ok with.
Right now, I am making a commitment to myself to only buy fresh foods, nothing canned or bagged until my pantry gets down to where it might look empty. I have one exceptoin, if I'm making a 'healthy meal' and need an ingredient specific to what I need to buy.. and only buy what is needed for the recipe.
So what did I throw out, expired sf pudding, jello, salad dressing, protein bars, snack cookies i had for the little guy.) It makes me so mad wasting money this way. Is it just me or does anyone else do this... It feels so much better once the clutter is cleared.. it makes your mind so much clearer.. does anyone agree with that. Now I have to do the same for the rest of the house. one room at a time one day at a time.
Good luck with the house cleaning. The only way I can stop the clutter from growing, is by organizing the mess - that way I can see what I need to get and what I have plenty of - so I don't over stock and then end up throwing away.
Have a great week!

Have a good BOTT week coming up

That being said, you'd think I am completely organized with everything in their proper place and clutter-free. NOT, NOT, NOT. When I take care of energy drainers I feel so light and free from the noise and busy feeling I had with the clutter.
Just like you said, I clean the clutter with the intention that it will stay that way. Somehow the clutter finds me again.
I love what you said that one room at a time....for me, one drawer at a time, one closet at a time, one room at a time, etc!
Thanks, Cathy
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