Back On Track Together
The good, the bad & the ugly
OK I'm going to go in reverse so I end with the good (in my opinion)
The ugly: I bought a really cute top at coldwater creek last week (was 79 dollars I bought it for 18.99.. I'd be loosing if I didn't buy it right) Well I went to put it on to wear it to work and the button fell off.. (they were 1 1/2 inch buttons it was what made the top) Anyway, I know me so very well that if I kept it thinking i'd sew the button on, next year i'd still be looking at the top w/o a button. So I return it today... Store clerk 'Marilyn' first questions me not just sewing the button on. and looks at me oddly when I told her my story. Then she states w/o looking at the size of the top (which amazingly was a 'M' .. I think it was cut big.. I'm not yeat a 'm'.. trust me nothing else fit in a 'm' and i tried on other things) she states well we probably don't have another in your size... So I just returned it.. then shopped can I tell you there were about 3 'm's' on the rack. She happend to be the fitting room lady when I was trying some other things on. I asked her opinion on one thing and she was so so sooooo snobby. What is it about some store clerks .. I honestly felt she didn't believe I should be shopping in her store.. I was in jeans and a down coat.. its cold outside... I kow no one has the abillity to make me feel anyway.. but I did feel put down .. I can say other people working in that store were fine.. it was just this one lady.
The bad: Friday I woke up with a headache that was dull but there all day. I took some pain med but it really didn't make a difference. I was supposed to go to a movie but I called and asked to reschedule until tonight I used the cold as a reason but it was really the headache. I ate some dinner .. and and fell asleep for about an hour. when I woke I wanted some thing but nothing sounded good.. I found a bag of M&M's left over from when I was making holiday cookies for various occasions. Yes I opened the bag and probably ate 30-40 M&M's.. I'm just guessing but I think that was about how many.. I closed the bag and went to bed by 8/8:30... slept until 7:30 this morning w/o headache... yeah... I was totally disappointed in me about the M&M's.
The good. when I met my niece and great nephew for b-fast, I brought along the M&M's which the baby loves.. calls them me me's I had a full bag and the one I opened last night.... and a bag of hershey kisses (unopened.. again for cookies) I gave them the candy.. I had to hide them until after we ate because Alex would have wanted me me's instead of breakfast.. He did get a few when he finished... we were at bob evans and he wanted the sunday for dessert... it was way to early so me me's were perfect.
Thanks, as always for letting me share.. hope this wasnt to long.. I get a bit windy sometimes.. When I was in Ireland I didn't kiss the blarney stone.. I already have that gift and I'm not Irish lol (plus I had way to much guiness the night before and hanging upside down to kiss a stone was just not happening hahaha)
The ugly: I bought a really cute top at coldwater creek last week (was 79 dollars I bought it for 18.99.. I'd be loosing if I didn't buy it right) Well I went to put it on to wear it to work and the button fell off.. (they were 1 1/2 inch buttons it was what made the top) Anyway, I know me so very well that if I kept it thinking i'd sew the button on, next year i'd still be looking at the top w/o a button. So I return it today... Store clerk 'Marilyn' first questions me not just sewing the button on. and looks at me oddly when I told her my story. Then she states w/o looking at the size of the top (which amazingly was a 'M' .. I think it was cut big.. I'm not yeat a 'm'.. trust me nothing else fit in a 'm' and i tried on other things) she states well we probably don't have another in your size... So I just returned it.. then shopped can I tell you there were about 3 'm's' on the rack. She happend to be the fitting room lady when I was trying some other things on. I asked her opinion on one thing and she was so so sooooo snobby. What is it about some store clerks .. I honestly felt she didn't believe I should be shopping in her store.. I was in jeans and a down coat.. its cold outside... I kow no one has the abillity to make me feel anyway.. but I did feel put down .. I can say other people working in that store were fine.. it was just this one lady.
The bad: Friday I woke up with a headache that was dull but there all day. I took some pain med but it really didn't make a difference. I was supposed to go to a movie but I called and asked to reschedule until tonight I used the cold as a reason but it was really the headache. I ate some dinner .. and and fell asleep for about an hour. when I woke I wanted some thing but nothing sounded good.. I found a bag of M&M's left over from when I was making holiday cookies for various occasions. Yes I opened the bag and probably ate 30-40 M&M's.. I'm just guessing but I think that was about how many.. I closed the bag and went to bed by 8/8:30... slept until 7:30 this morning w/o headache... yeah... I was totally disappointed in me about the M&M's.
The good. when I met my niece and great nephew for b-fast, I brought along the M&M's which the baby loves.. calls them me me's I had a full bag and the one I opened last night.... and a bag of hershey kisses (unopened.. again for cookies) I gave them the candy.. I had to hide them until after we ate because Alex would have wanted me me's instead of breakfast.. He did get a few when he finished... we were at bob evans and he wanted the sunday for dessert... it was way to early so me me's were perfect.
Thanks, as always for letting me share.. hope this wasnt to long.. I get a bit windy sometimes.. When I was in Ireland I didn't kiss the blarney stone.. I already have that gift and I'm not Irish lol (plus I had way to much guiness the night before and hanging upside down to kiss a stone was just not happening hahaha)
The ugly- whaterver! is what I say to that clerk. Did you ever see Pretty Woman?
The bad- OK so it is bad but it could have been could have been all the chocolate. maybe next time rent a movie and pop some microwave popcorn.
The good- glad you got rid of the candy but why Bob Evans, can you say partially hydrogenated oil? Hope you were able to have a good breakfast but it does sound like you had great company!
Luck- Trust make your own!!!!
The bad- OK so it is bad but it could have been could have been all the chocolate. maybe next time rent a movie and pop some microwave popcorn.
The good- glad you got rid of the candy but why Bob Evans, can you say partially hydrogenated oil? Hope you were able to have a good breakfast but it does sound like you had great company!
Luck- Trust make your own!!!!
New for 2009
Jen, I liked that point, I do remember Pretty Woman... and it is funny I did buy a few things but I was going to buy more, but I put it back. And your right I didn't eat it all.. The breakfast company was the best.. I'm sure as everyone says about youngsters in their family or life but he is so very smart and entertaining. He is a joy and spending time with he and my niece just rocks : )
Hi Jen,
I love your response. I laughed when I thought of Pretty Woman. I loved that part and it is definitely applicable in this situation too.
My kids love Bob Evans. I'm going to quote your partially hydrogenated oil reference. Gross. I'd never thought of it that way but I sure do now thanks to you.
You are so right on about luck - we make our own luck!
Thanks, Cathy
I love your response. I laughed when I thought of Pretty Woman. I loved that part and it is definitely applicable in this situation too.
My kids love Bob Evans. I'm going to quote your partially hydrogenated oil reference. Gross. I'd never thought of it that way but I sure do now thanks to you.
You are so right on about luck - we make our own luck!
Thanks, Cathy
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
First off, I love Jen's response to you!
The ugly: Yes, she definitely acted ugly to you. It never ceases to amaze me in this economy with store closings and retail stores laying people off how sales clerks can cop an attitude. They don't connect the dots without us as the customers buying from their store they jeopardize their jobs. Consider the source. Imagine being her friend or having her disposition. Must be miserable in her life.
The bad/The good: When I read this, I would combine your bad and good because out of the bad you really made it good. Hey, it is M&M's. Yes, you wish you hadn't but you did. Blow it off. To me the success and "good" in this part is that you stopped eating them and then took the opened AND unopened bags along with the Hershey's Kisses out of the house. That is a huge thing. We're always going to have those M&M moments. To me, what you do after those M&M Moments is what counts. You came through for yourself!
Luck? I'm with Jen, you make your own which you obviously have. No kissing a rock is necessary. Give yourself a hug!
The ugly: Yes, she definitely acted ugly to you. It never ceases to amaze me in this economy with store closings and retail stores laying people off how sales clerks can cop an attitude. They don't connect the dots without us as the customers buying from their store they jeopardize their jobs. Consider the source. Imagine being her friend or having her disposition. Must be miserable in her life.
The bad/The good: When I read this, I would combine your bad and good because out of the bad you really made it good. Hey, it is M&M's. Yes, you wish you hadn't but you did. Blow it off. To me the success and "good" in this part is that you stopped eating them and then took the opened AND unopened bags along with the Hershey's Kisses out of the house. That is a huge thing. We're always going to have those M&M moments. To me, what you do after those M&M Moments is what counts. You came through for yourself!
Luck? I'm with Jen, you make your own which you obviously have. No kissing a rock is necessary. Give yourself a hug!
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
I guess there's no rule that sales people can't have bad days too - but it sure isn't any fun when we have to deal with them when they do
She might have been going to lose some commission $$$$ and didn't like that at all.
But you are back on track and doing well
Think your solution of giving the candy away was a win-win situation for all involved. You;ve got a good "thinker"
And no, you weren't at all too "windy" We're here for you and more than willing to help in any way we can - and this time it just happened to be listening We're in this together.
Give yourself a pat on the back for the way you handled this situation - you've earned it

But you are back on track and doing well

Think your solution of giving the candy away was a win-win situation for all involved. You;ve got a good "thinker"

And no, you weren't at all too "windy" We're here for you and more than willing to help in any way we can - and this time it just happened to be listening We're in this together.

Give yourself a pat on the back for the way you handled this situation - you've earned it