Back On Track Together
You've got my thoughts and prayers 
Consider what you may be teaching your daughter :
You must put everyone else first
It's not OK to get your needs met
Mother has no problems
(Is the # of cookies or the $$$? If it's the money, just contribute)
An option is to buy the cookies, and as soon as they are delivered IMMEDIATELY take your
daughter to a donation site - food bank, battered women's shelter, church
Remember, you don't get any "brownie points" for suffering - you do have limitations so don't set
yourself up - there are a gazillion million ways of showing your daughter you love her besides
buying cookies, being ambushed by the Cookie Monster, and being miserable
No matter what you decide do, you have 100% of my support and all the rest of us here
You've got thiat right, WE CAN ALL DO THIS TOGETHER!!!

Consider what you may be teaching your daughter :
You must put everyone else first
It's not OK to get your needs met
Mother has no problems
(Is the # of cookies or the $$$? If it's the money, just contribute)
An option is to buy the cookies, and as soon as they are delivered IMMEDIATELY take your
daughter to a donation site - food bank, battered women's shelter, church
Remember, you don't get any "brownie points" for suffering - you do have limitations so don't set
yourself up - there are a gazillion million ways of showing your daughter you love her besides
buying cookies, being ambushed by the Cookie Monster, and being miserable
No matter what you decide do, you have 100% of my support and all the rest of us here

You've got thiat right, WE CAN ALL DO THIS TOGETHER!!!

Ash - I owe you a big appology and here it is. Whe I read this post, I paniced. I was so very very scared because I know I would not leave GS cookies alone if I could get my hands on them. At that point it became all about Sue and not about Ash! I'm so sorry 
I'm so afraid I came off sounding as though these were Ultimatims and not Suggestions. We're all different and, if we force ourselves to hones with ourselves, we know what we can handle. And I know myself well enough to know the Cookie Monster would get me for sure.
GS cookies happen to be thing that I really do need to run and hide from
if I am to meet my needs!!!!
I would never do anything intentionally to offend anyone here and I certain hope if you found my post offensive you will forgive me.
Have a great BOTT weekend

I'm so afraid I came off sounding as though these were Ultimatims and not Suggestions. We're all different and, if we force ourselves to hones with ourselves, we know what we can handle. And I know myself well enough to know the Cookie Monster would get me for sure.

I would never do anything intentionally to offend anyone here and I certain hope if you found my post offensive you will forgive me.
Have a great BOTT weekend

FYI Last year my daughter was in brownies and she sold cookies.. it was some of the best exercise walking door to door up and down the streets. Any how, they have a program where you can purchase cookies and donate them to the military and they send boxes overseas. That way, you can support the great cause that is girl scouts plus, send some yummy evil goodness to our troops overseas.
I love love love the thin mints.. I have foudn the oh yeah choc mint wafers have a very close taste.. (i tasted them for the first time on monday) Anyway that said, the past few years, I have found troups that you dontate the money and they send the cookies to overseas troups. It has been a win-win for me I don't get the cookies but feel like I"m helping someone out.
I'm so glad some of the young ladies I bought from are to old to be in scouts. I used to buy a minimum of 5 boxes from each one that would ask me. I would give lots away, or put them on my desk at work (that is dangerous) .. last year I was only 3 months post op.. not a one passed my lips. nor did I have one of the home made choc/pb easter eggs the local church makes.. I was telling one of the church ladies a few weeks ago and she said thats why we had so many left over lol...
I'm so glad some of the young ladies I bought from are to old to be in scouts. I used to buy a minimum of 5 boxes from each one that would ask me. I would give lots away, or put them on my desk at work (that is dangerous) .. last year I was only 3 months post op.. not a one passed my lips. nor did I have one of the home made choc/pb easter eggs the local church makes.. I was telling one of the church ladies a few weeks ago and she said thats why we had so many left over lol...
Hmmm...I've already ordered 4 boxes...before I got BOTT! Yikes!! I hereby promise NOT to consume even ONE cookie. My first thought was to leave them in the breakroom where they will be swarmed upon like flies on a pile of dung. BUT, frankly, none of my co-workers need them either. I like the idea of donating them to our soldiers. How do I get more info on this? I guess another option would be to pay the money for the ordered cookies but refuse their delivery.
Funny how we sometimes justify something so devastatingly detrimental to our success.
Have a great weekend everybody...I have three back to back 12 hour shifts this weekend so no fun for me.
But I am thankful to have a job with a good income in these tough times
Funny how we sometimes justify something so devastatingly detrimental to our success.
Have a great weekend everybody...I have three back to back 12 hour shifts this weekend so no fun for me.