Back On Track Together
Thursday, BOTT Cafe & Cardio
I hope everyone is having a great week.
Here is our daily check-in for Thursday. Kathy is also going to start a special exercise thread too in addition to our BOTT C&C (Cafe & Cardio). Feel free to post your food and exercise here on our BOTT C&C. Now you have the option to post about your exercise in Kathy's Move To Lose too.
Here's mine:
CARDIO: Not quite yet. Going to the doctor tomorrow.
B - 1/2 cup cottage cheese
S - Veggies
L - Turkey and White Cheddar Kruncheez (I LOVE these things! Thanks Kay's Naturals!)
S - Chicken
D - Southwestern Egg Beaters
S - Vanilla Power Crunch bar
Have a great BOTT day!! Isn't it great to be able to have a great BOTT day!?
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
Pre-WO - protein bar
1 bottle of water
WO - 2 bottles of water
B - eggbeaters and cheese baggie omelet
S - rtd chocolate protein in my coffee
L - roast beef and cheese roll ups
S - dry roasted unsalted peanuts
1 bottle of water
D - grilled steak cuscous
1 bottle of water
Whoops, forgot my Cardio..... 30 mins of the fat burning program on the recumbent bike with a good book again.... I'm stuck in a rut but hey at least I'm doing SOMETHING..... LOL
Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot Do....
377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal
My plan for todays food is as follows:
Pre B - (2) 20 oz coffee (one black, other with flavored coffeemate)
B- greek yogurt w/fresh strawberry, pineapple, granola and protein powder
S1 - Ham and cheese rollups
L - 2 popcorn cakes w/ p-butter and banana
S2 - protein bar
D- South Beach pizza
Have a GREAT day everyone!

Im working today so I brought most of my food for the day
B - oatmeal with protein added
S - small apple 1 oz 2 %milk cheese
L - tuna salad made with light mayo small salad couple crackers
S - protein drink 12 oz water 1 scoop Click 1 scoop chocolate protein
D - 1 c soup not sure yet what type
approx 80 -100 oz water cant do any formal exercise today due to 12 hr work shift but aiming for 14000 steps today which is over 5.5 miles....
For today folks I'll be having or had :)
B: 1/2 c. oatmeal w/ 1 scoop protein powder
S: beef jerky
L: ff yogurt & shaved turkey
S: 20 cashews
D: grilled bonless pork chops
S: tbsp peanut butter
Cals: 880
Carbs: 53 grams
Protein: 94 grams
Vits: DONE!
Water: 20 oz. as of 11:01 am
Cadio.....It's COLD here so, maybe jump rope?
B - OH Yeah Meal replacement bar. I have them so I will use them until they are gone. not the best not the worst. This was pb w/strawberry almost like a pb & J.. it was tollerable (sp?)
L - more shredded bbq w/mini baked potato and some cheese (tomorrow is trash day I will be disposing of what is left of the darn bbq.. I froze it in to large of a container and don't feel comfortable re-freezing.. its very good what a waste.
D - Well hopefull the garage will call and i'll be able to go to the store for some salad or something.. if not i'll figure out from what i have .. I might make a tortilla pizza
hope to get either treadmill work done or wii fit and have the trainer embarrass me by how long its been that i've used it. lol
S - 1 stick of Cheese
L - Greek yogurt mixed with cottage cheese and flavored with sugar free Jell-o powder (luv this)
D - Stouffers Baked Chicken dinner with 1/4 cup mashed potatoes
S - Popcorn
80 ounces of fluid
Jazzercise - 1 hour = 40 minutes cardio, 20 minutes weight.