Back On Track Together
Tuesday - BOTT Cafe AND Cardio
Hi Susan,
I'm very grateful that your sister will make a full recovery. I'm sure it was very scary.
Think of this.....before you were on track, with a huge stressor like this, would you have eaten differently? With this episode with your sister, you had a great food day and stayed on track. WOW!
Please let us know about your sis.
I'm very grateful that your sister will make a full recovery. I'm sure it was very scary.
Think of this.....before you were on track, with a huge stressor like this, would you have eaten differently? With this episode with your sister, you had a great food day and stayed on track. WOW!
Please let us know about your sis.
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
Hi BOTTers,
Our daily Cafe and Cardio includes our exercise, activity, movement, etc. As all of us know, food and exercise go hand in hand for our ultimate success in developing healthy habits.
When you post your "Cafe" food part, also share your "Cardio" exercise too. Even if you don't have any exercise to share, that's okay. No shame or guilt if we don't have the cardio part down. Share if you have exercised or share with us if you don't too. Point is that we check in with ourselves and our fellow BOTTers.
So.....that being said - I haven't exercised!! I'm still really struggling with my walking pneuomonia so I'm grounded still.
I'll also check in too.....I had a bit of a scare last night. I had a difficult time catching my breath. With my pneuo, that's expected yet it still was pretty scarry. I went to bed but it shook me up. Stupidly, I got up in the middle of the night concerned if I could breathe. I didn't "go for it" but I had a less than healthy snack of some potato chips and four raspberry malted milk balls.
The great news is that I've been on track long enough that I feel gross today. My stomach hurts from eating just that little bit. My system recognizes the junk as alien food and not my normal healthy food intake. As I've shared here with all of you, to me, the day after indulging is the most important one. Getting right back on track without creating a second day of indulging or pushing it with my food choices is the most important. So today, I'm right back on track!
B - 1/2 cup of cottage cheese
S - Vegetable strips or green beans
L - Turkey and White Cheddar Kruncheez
S - Turkey jerky
D - Morningstar soy sausages
S - Power Crunch bar (vanilla)
Thanks for being here for me. It makes me feel better sharing it with you.
Our daily Cafe and Cardio includes our exercise, activity, movement, etc. As all of us know, food and exercise go hand in hand for our ultimate success in developing healthy habits.
When you post your "Cafe" food part, also share your "Cardio" exercise too. Even if you don't have any exercise to share, that's okay. No shame or guilt if we don't have the cardio part down. Share if you have exercised or share with us if you don't too. Point is that we check in with ourselves and our fellow BOTTers.
So.....that being said - I haven't exercised!! I'm still really struggling with my walking pneuomonia so I'm grounded still.
I'll also check in too.....I had a bit of a scare last night. I had a difficult time catching my breath. With my pneuo, that's expected yet it still was pretty scarry. I went to bed but it shook me up. Stupidly, I got up in the middle of the night concerned if I could breathe. I didn't "go for it" but I had a less than healthy snack of some potato chips and four raspberry malted milk balls.
The great news is that I've been on track long enough that I feel gross today. My stomach hurts from eating just that little bit. My system recognizes the junk as alien food and not my normal healthy food intake. As I've shared here with all of you, to me, the day after indulging is the most important one. Getting right back on track without creating a second day of indulging or pushing it with my food choices is the most important. So today, I'm right back on track!
B - 1/2 cup of cottage cheese
S - Vegetable strips or green beans
L - Turkey and White Cheddar Kruncheez
S - Turkey jerky
D - Morningstar soy sausages
S - Power Crunch bar (vanilla)
Thanks for being here for me. It makes me feel better sharing it with you.
Hello everyone!
Cathy I truly understand where you are coming from but I really admire your courage also. Have a great BOTT day!
Cardio: Walked 2 miles
B-Protein Shake
S-4 slices of Bacon
L-Turkey Roll w/cheese
S-1/4 cup of cashews
D-Tuna w/lettuce
S- SF pudding cup
Cathy I truly understand where you are coming from but I really admire your courage also. Have a great BOTT day!
Cardio: Walked 2 miles
B-Protein Shake
S-4 slices of Bacon
L-Turkey Roll w/cheese
S-1/4 cup of cashews
D-Tuna w/lettuce
S- SF pudding cup
45lbs to go til final weight goal of 180
B4 surgery/Loss/Regain/Goal
Hi Debbie,
Thanks for understanding where I was coming from when I posted my slight detour off track. I had a great BOTT day even after my little skid off the track.
YEAH BOTTers. We are doing this together.
Thanks for understanding where I was coming from when I posted my slight detour off track. I had a great BOTT day even after my little skid off the track.
YEAH BOTTers. We are doing this together.
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
Hey Cathy!! Boy that not being able to breathe does sound scary!
And I like what you said about how important the day after induldging is.....and that is so true! I usually fall down and stay there far too long. But I know that one day of being off track does not have to lead to me staying off the track..I can get right back on!
Cardio for today: 30 minutes on treadmill at lunch and I have an aerobics class tonight for an hour. I also did a short upper body work out this morning before work. **edited I did make it to my aerobics class and did 30 mins of cardio at lunch.**
Breakfast: Protein Smoothie (Dannon light and fit Peach passion Smoothie with Body Fortress powder mixed in it)
Lunch: Strawberry and Banana yogurt w/ Body Fortress protein mixed in it, 2 servings of Oven Roasted Turkey Breast, Oscar Mayer
Snack: Sugar Free Gum and Orange
Dinner: Grilled Chicken Breast but not sure what veggies yet maybe a salad
**Update** For dinner I had a saladw/lite italian dressing and also 1 rib and the flat piece of a chicken wing..then I dabbled in the carbs and had part of my daughters cornbread muffin and part of a piece of toast.
Until Tomorrow!
And I like what you said about how important the day after induldging is.....and that is so true! I usually fall down and stay there far too long. But I know that one day of being off track does not have to lead to me staying off the track..I can get right back on!
Cardio for today: 30 minutes on treadmill at lunch and I have an aerobics class tonight for an hour. I also did a short upper body work out this morning before work. **edited I did make it to my aerobics class and did 30 mins of cardio at lunch.**
Breakfast: Protein Smoothie (Dannon light and fit Peach passion Smoothie with Body Fortress powder mixed in it)
Lunch: Strawberry and Banana yogurt w/ Body Fortress protein mixed in it, 2 servings of Oven Roasted Turkey Breast, Oscar Mayer
Snack: Sugar Free Gum and Orange
Dinner: Grilled Chicken Breast but not sure what veggies yet maybe a salad
**Update** For dinner I had a saladw/lite italian dressing and also 1 rib and the flat piece of a chicken wing..then I dabbled in the carbs and had part of my daughters cornbread muffin and part of a piece of toast.
Until Tomorrow!
Hi Stephanie,
Yea, it was pretty scary. Thanks!
I know for me the more difficult day is usually the next day after a slight jog off the path of being on track. Regaining weight and not being on track doesn't occur with one day's slip or some food choices in a day. It is the momentum of continuing the next day and the next day, etc., etc. I had my BOTT antenna up today to make sure that last night was last night and today is today.
Thanks for your support and encouragement.
Yea, it was pretty scary. Thanks!
I know for me the more difficult day is usually the next day after a slight jog off the path of being on track. Regaining weight and not being on track doesn't occur with one day's slip or some food choices in a day. It is the momentum of continuing the next day and the next day, etc., etc. I had my BOTT antenna up today to make sure that last night was last night and today is today.
Thanks for your support and encouragement.
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
Hi Cathy,
I love this thread, it makes me accountable with my food. I think we may need to do a different thread for exercise so it deosn't get lost in the jello
Protein smoothie, SF orange juice, frozen blueberries, banana, whey protein
String cheese
Wendys chili with cheese
Baked sweet potato with butter spray and cinnamon
Grilled shrim kabobs with veggies and brown rice
Lot's of water and hot tea today as we had snow drifts 4 feet high. I hate winter, I hate winter, I hate winter
take care,
I love this thread, it makes me accountable with my food. I think we may need to do a different thread for exercise so it deosn't get lost in the jello

Protein smoothie, SF orange juice, frozen blueberries, banana, whey protein
String cheese
Wendys chili with cheese
Baked sweet potato with butter spray and cinnamon
Grilled shrim kabobs with veggies and brown rice
Lot's of water and hot tea today as we had snow drifts 4 feet high. I hate winter, I hate winter, I hate winter
take care,
HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130
Hey everyone!! It's ANOTHER beautiful sunny Southern California day and NO I don't get tired of it being 80 degrees out! I just finished a beautiful 1.2 mile walk and all is really right with my world. My best buddy Angela (God's Special Creation) will be having her sleeve on Inauguration day which I think is totally appropriate to her NEW life. Let's see I lost 4.4lbs last week so I'm on top of the world. I'm sitting here after finishing my 10th cup of water and working on the next 4. I have a delicious home made Spinach Stuffed Chicken Parmesan for lunch with some cucumber salad. I believe I'm FINALLY over a toxic man! **** I think I'm going to play the lottery tonight cause I am really feeling on top of my game!!
Let me just share a confession. When I had WLS I just "knew" for a fact I was going to loose the weight wasn't a doubt in my mind, so when I would stall EVERY month and ONLY loose 1 week out the month I really didn't fret cause I again "knew" it was going to happen. As I sit here at 209.2lbs I'm in awe that I am ONLY 24lbs away from MY goal! I can't really "believe" I'm here BUT I am!! OMG can I just say this summer is going to ROCK!!
And last but not least. I was in a big girl club this weekend. IE a club where the women clientele are easily 250+ in weight and well the guys love their women like that. This guy who apparently was drawn in by MY beauty at any weight was talking to me and dare I say it out loud?? He asked me "why are you here you aren't a big girl?" So while I'm not 100% ready to give up my big girl card (cause I LOVED every minute of it) alas men keep telling me how I'm NOT there anymore...alas...
B: Carb Masters (low carb) Yogurt
L: Spinach stuffed chicken Parmesan; cucumber salad
S: Egg Mockmuffin
D: Tamales; small salad
Water: Working on 14 cups
Vitamins: Multi; 1500mg of Calcium; Hair Regime (on target)
Exercise: 1.2 mile walk at break
Let me just share a confession. When I had WLS I just "knew" for a fact I was going to loose the weight wasn't a doubt in my mind, so when I would stall EVERY month and ONLY loose 1 week out the month I really didn't fret cause I again "knew" it was going to happen. As I sit here at 209.2lbs I'm in awe that I am ONLY 24lbs away from MY goal! I can't really "believe" I'm here BUT I am!! OMG can I just say this summer is going to ROCK!!
And last but not least. I was in a big girl club this weekend. IE a club where the women clientele are easily 250+ in weight and well the guys love their women like that. This guy who apparently was drawn in by MY beauty at any weight was talking to me and dare I say it out loud?? He asked me "why are you here you aren't a big girl?" So while I'm not 100% ready to give up my big girl card (cause I LOVED every minute of it) alas men keep telling me how I'm NOT there anymore...alas...
B: Carb Masters (low carb) Yogurt
L: Spinach stuffed chicken Parmesan; cucumber salad
S: Egg Mockmuffin
D: Tamales; small salad
Water: Working on 14 cups
Vitamins: Multi; 1500mg of Calcium; Hair Regime (on target)
Exercise: 1.2 mile walk at break