Back On Track Together
I'm Feeling Fat
Just went to the restroom here at work and looked in the mirror - not a good move for me. It is cold here (now I know to some of you 34 degrees with a wind chill of 27 would be a heat wave, but in the panhandle of Florida, that's COLD) and the shell I'm wearing under a heavier-than-usual jacket is ribbed. Because it is ribbed, it kind of clings and shows off my midriff roll.
And just before I looked in the mirror, I was feeling so good about myself and then BAM the mirror reared it's ugly head. Just have to change my negative self-talk if I want to change my feelings. So here goes:
This IS NOT real - this is just my imagination. My midriff IS NOT a measure of my worth. I WILL NOT let this discourage me! I WILL NOT stray from staying on track! I WILL NOT belittle myself in my head. I WILL be gentle and nurturing to myself. I WILL remember there are at least 399 BOTTers out there who understand and care.
Thank you so much for being there. You make all the difference in the world! WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER, YES WE CAN (and I'm part of that "WE")
I wish for each and every one of us peace and joy with who we are.
I still can't convince my mind that I am smaller, that a size 10 or medium is NOT the same as a 5-6X but what I do when this type of stinking thinking gets really bad is go to my photo album, either at OH or on my computer and take a good long look at the before and after pics.
It gives me peace for the moment and hopefully in the long run, I can retrain my brain into believeing it!
But the really odd thing is that when I least expect it, I will see myself in a window, door or mirror unexpectedly and usually when I am not at home and wonder who is that lady? I don't recognize myself.
I try not to measure myself by my size but occasionally the brain runs away with things. sighhh It will get better! It really will!
Great self-talk. You are right on every single point you writen in your post. Quite honestly, I need it too. I think from years of being overweight, weight struggles, we have an imprint in our brains that takes awhile to change. I also think some of us (me!) when we tend to lose we get pickier about what we see in the mirror. It is weird, when I was morbidly obese, I tended to see myself small than I was (BIG denial) but as I've gotten smaller, I saw myself heavier than I was. It gets better as you get used to how you truly look.
I'm right there with you on all the things you're saying to yourself. You are 100% correct. Some of the negative self-talk is a set up to getting off track. You are more powerful and don't let those nasty gremlins (negative self-talk, critical messages) get to you. Talk right back to that negative talk and say just what you would say to another BOTTer. You were so supportive of me and my boxes, and were really there for me. Say those same things to yourself. They made a difference to me and I know they will for you too.
Let us know how your day goes. I'm thinking of you. Feel free to PM anytime.
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!

~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
Way to go girl. I admire your self talk. I'm taking notes You can do it, and I know you will succeed.
It's strange that after years of obesity, we can only see ourselves that way. Even when we step on the scale, put on that smaller size or get compliments some I us can never shake the "fat girl" mentality. (I'm the worlds worst at this).
I hope you have a lovely day honey! Chin up! I can admit that I'm afraid that no matter how skinny I get, I will always feel fat :( So, your not any means.
Ash :)

I had lost 50 lbs, 100 lbs, and 150 lbs and didn't see it. What happen to help me see it? I took photos of me each month and left them in the camera. Once I printed them and put them side by side in the fridge in my purse and on my desk top I saw it

Try using this and see if it helps....

Take care,
HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130

Don't know whether I would have made it all alone - but THANK GOODNESS I didn't have to. All the caring and support here made an enormous difference!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much to each of you angels in disguise as humans BOTTers