Back On Track Together
I get a C- for today!
I was called in to sub in the middle school last minute today. Hence, I was not prepared, foodwise. I am so disappointed in my eating today, after 4 days of feeling so strong and sticking to my plan...and there were many times I could have caved but didn't! Today, I started as I always do, with a protein shake. Then, went to school and by 10:30am I was absolutely starving! I had been drinking tea and coffee until then. So, I nuked my Lean Cuisine Baked Chicken tenderloin meal, ate the meat and a spoonful of potatoes/stuffing, and that was enough. Then, my "lunch" was at noon, but I wasn't hungry then, so I did desk work. When it was time to be in the classroom again, I had no water, nothing else, except a huge assortment of chocolate staring at me, and I caved. I had maybe 10 Dove chocolates through the afternoon, plus some other chocolate concoctions, and then a handful of salty tortilla chips when I got home at 3:00. I am going back and forth between beating myself up and telling myself to just move on. I know my success of the past week has been because of PLANNING. I know my sloppy eating today was because I had no plan. I think I would've been better off if I had eaten solid food (eggs) before school, had a protein shake at 10:30, and then a planned lunch/snack during my lunch time. Ugh. Will I ever get this right?
Yes you WILL get it right. First off you recognize where you went wrong. So instead of beating yourself up which does NOTHING in the positive direction. Make a plan for FUTURE times cause you know they WILL happen. How about buying a shaker and keeping it and some protein with bottles of water in your desk for such emergencies. Or maybe jerkey or peanuts. Quick and easy stuff that can be grabbed and eaten in the event of an emergency.
Plan your future success and turn the C into an A. Here's a smiley face for TODAY because you see where you can go wrong, now it's time to effect a change
Ms Shell
Plan your future success and turn the C into an A. Here's a smiley face for TODAY because you see where you can go wrong, now it's time to effect a change

Ms Shell
Excuse me! 
Did you ask will I ever get this right? You said you had 4 days of eating good and sticking to your plan, sounds like you got it right 4 days out of 5. And you were aware of of the bad choice, you came here and confessed
So my friend, don't beat yourself up and pat yourself on the back for the 4 great days and make a note of what happened, you didn't have enough food in reserves to help you.
Pack some protein bars and shakes and such in your car if you have to so you will have them. Pack a lunch box ready for emergencies, so the next time you can grab it and go.
Now ask yourself this question? If you were not in control would you be counting 4 good days out of 5, or 5 bad days in a row? Sounds like a successful person on their way to me
Let it go and kick butt this weekend my friend
Take care,
ps...what is the average grade for A + A + A + A + C- = A

Did you ask will I ever get this right? You said you had 4 days of eating good and sticking to your plan, sounds like you got it right 4 days out of 5. And you were aware of of the bad choice, you came here and confessed

So my friend, don't beat yourself up and pat yourself on the back for the 4 great days and make a note of what happened, you didn't have enough food in reserves to help you.
Pack some protein bars and shakes and such in your car if you have to so you will have them. Pack a lunch box ready for emergencies, so the next time you can grab it and go.
Now ask yourself this question? If you were not in control would you be counting 4 good days out of 5, or 5 bad days in a row? Sounds like a successful person on their way to me

Let it go and kick butt this weekend my friend

Take care,
ps...what is the average grade for A + A + A + A + C- = A
HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130
Hey, thanks for the eye-opening pep talk. I was stuck in the "I am not perfect=I am a failure" mindset. 4/5 days isn't a failure, you're both correct! I know what to do next time. okay, now I'm putting my pity party to rest, putting my boxing gloves away (will not beat myself up any longer!!) and looking ahead.
You did just fine. Being Back On Track doesn't mean perfection. It means doing your best on most days. There are days that even the best planning doesn't work out. On those days, you put it behind you. To me, when we spend a meal or a day "off" what we wished, the most important thing is the very next meal or day is to get right back on track.
Don't stay stuck in the little speed bump. You look ahead, move forward. Life isn't perfect and neither is being on track. Getting right back on track is the most important thing. When I've been off track, it has continued into the next meal, then into the next day, the next week, etc., etc. I believe the next meal or day is the most important.
I think you did just fine considering your cir****tances. Put it behind you and look ahead. You are doing great!! Remember, we didn't become overweight or morbidly obese with just one day.
Don't stay stuck in the little speed bump. You look ahead, move forward. Life isn't perfect and neither is being on track. Getting right back on track is the most important thing. When I've been off track, it has continued into the next meal, then into the next day, the next week, etc., etc. I believe the next meal or day is the most important.
I think you did just fine considering your cir****tances. Put it behind you and look ahead. You are doing great!! Remember, we didn't become overweight or morbidly obese with just one day.
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
Hey jerseyjuji!
I was just thinking today about what I am going to do when things come up to complicate my staying on track. I decided I would do the best I could and not tear myself up if I didn't make the best decisions for myself. We can't always get it right...I know I won' being me and all...LOL. I truly hope that I am moving past the beating myself up thing though...cause it's a gold belt I would gladly relinquish...or bury!!! I know I don't deserve that and neither do you!!! You'll do better today...I know it!!! Linda
" When you are down and out, lift up your head and shout, BUY ME A PRESENT!!!"
When I think of the bad days I use to have I have to laugh at myself and at your post. A few Dove choclates and some salty tortilla chips!! I don't know about you but in the past pre RNY me I would have eaten the Dove choclates with a pepsi to wa**** down and maybe some Hostess cupcakes from the vending machine. I had been called in without notice, right? Then forget eating the chips unless I covered them in melted cheese with some sour cream and salsa.
So when I think about my failures or cheats I try to remember what it might have been like before and I don't beat myself up! Please know I am not at al laughing at your post I am laughing at my (and maybe everyones) food obsessed mind set!!
So when I think about my failures or cheats I try to remember what it might have been like before and I don't beat myself up! Please know I am not at al laughing at your post I am laughing at my (and maybe everyones) food obsessed mind set!!
New for 2009
Well, look at this way - if you keep hating yourself you will keep eating. If you forgive yourself for being human you can move on. What do you PLAN to do? You know what you need to do, you did not have time to do it, so please let it go. Nothing is better for hating yourself! What would you tell a friend- someone here on this site - someone considering bariatric surgery? Would you tell them that after the surgery they are going to have slips and that makes them a really wretchedly rotten person and they shoud psychologically beat themselves for days? I don't think so! So, simply be your friend and tell yourself what you would tell others. YOU CAN DO IT WE CAN DO IT TOGETHER, YES WE CAN