Back On Track Together
Thursday, BOTT Cafe & Cardio
Thanks to everyone for participating in our accountability thread. It is so helpful to me. When my food is committed here with all of us, it really motivates me to stay on track.
Activity: Still sick but going to the doctor. Sick of being sick!
B - CLICK drink
S - 1/2 cup of cottage cheese
L - Turkey and White Cheddar Kruncheez
S - If hungry, 1 ounce of turkey jerky
D - 6 Morningstar Soy Sausage Links
S - Vanilla Power Crunch bar
With my focus on protein, it is great because I'm not hungry like I was when I was grazing and into the sugar stuff. I feel so much better.
Have a great day!
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
Day 4 for me BOTT. I should get my Click delivered today...I love Click! But, I also love strawberry whey stack blended in chocolate calorie countdown with alot of ice. Yum.
Todays plan is as follows:
B: hot chocolate, decaf coffee, about to have a protein shake
S: Oh Yeah Bar
lots of decaf tea in between
L: Lean Cuisine Meal
S: protein shake (I hope my Click is here!)
have to work 4-7, will have lots of tea and water while there
D: a smoked turkey sausage, a spoonful of scalloped potatoes
Will edit with an update later! Have a fantastic day. Julie
EDITED at 6pm: after my protein shake breakfast, I went into my office and got some work done, and then off to the mall to meet another wls friend at Starbuck's! I had a big-size skinny vanilla latte. My first, and it was yummy. I got home at 3pm and found my CLICK had arrived!! I had a hot Click . I didn't have lunch until 4:15pm, when I had a stuffed cabbage and mashed potatoes Lean Cuisine. I'm at work for another 30 mins and feel I need some solid food tonight, that a protein shake is not going to do it for me, so I think I will have a smoked turkey sausage on a lite roll....I never made the potatoes, so I don't have to deal with them!
I'll edit if I deviate, but that should be it for tonight.
Four Days BOTT, YEAH!!!!!
Hi everyone! Just joined yesterday and ready to go with Day 1 BOTT. Please critic my menu. I do not know where to start with this so I am just taking from previous postings and adapting.
Wake up: 2 - 20 oz coffee (black)
S1: Adkins Protein drink
B: 2 hard boiled eggs
S2: 1 Oh Yeah protein stick
L: low-fat string cheese wrapped in lean ham and Kay Natural's honey almond cereal
S3: 1 Oh Yeah protein stick
D: oatmeal w/protein powder
S4: Adkins Protein drink
I am trying for 1400 calories on non-exercise days and 100-120 oz of water. It is 8:42 am here and I have had down to breakfast and 20 oz of water. I have decided to start with a 3 day exercise week. I have already had water aerobics on Monday and Wednesday for 1 hour each and will increase my calories to approximately 1600 on those days.
I will introduce myself in a separate thread. I welcome any and all input to help my journey.

I was bad last night or early hrs this morning I got up at 3 am and ate Protein bar and pears.
My son is gone to Texas on a competion Coon Dog Hunt and the dead line for them to be back out of woods is 3 am so needless to say Mommy is a wake making sure my baby is ok while he is gone lol he is 22 and married 2 babies but he is my baby and he is real good about calling us and letting us know he ok he won his cast the last 2 nights hopefully he will get into the $5000.00 hunt I think it is Fri night .
B- Adkins Shake
will be gone all day to Doctors so not sure where My daughter in law will pick to eat update later.
Have a good day everyone
I think I'm eating to much.
Early Breakfast (I was hungry when I woke up) 1 scrambled egg, 3 strips of bacon, 1 slice of wheat toast.
B (at work) slice of turkey w/ swiss and Dannon light and fit yogurt smoothie
S-Turkey w/swiss
L-salad w/ cucumbers, tomatoes, green peppers, and ham
S-1/2 peanut butter sandwich and yogurt
D-Baked chicken and spinach
S-chocolate peanut butter protein smoothie
Why does water make you hungry? when I drink water in between I get hungry, maybe its all in my head.
Pre-B - 1/2 protein bar
B - yogurt, TVP, SF french vanilla syrup
S - Chocolate Rice cake (it kept me away from the doughnuts somebody(GRRRR) brought to work)
L - Roast Beef and Cheese
S - Primal Strip
D - Meatloaf
Exercise -
I spent 45 mins of quality ME time with the recumbent bike and a good book and then I splurged on 15 mins of free weight arm training.....
Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot Do....
377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal
Today's plan is:
B - 1 egg scrambled
S - FF light yogurt (12 carbs)
L - Can tuna w/lite mayo and 2 50cal cabot snack cheese packs
S - 1/2 apple w/2tbs PB
D - have not decided yet, but will probably be another can of tuna fish because I am broke and have no groceries in the house til tomorrow night :(
of course, plenty of water and decaf coffee inbetween....
I am also going to gym after work today and running my 3 miles at 6.5mph with a cool down of 15 minute walk of 4.3mph at 4.0 incline...
I logged a total of 16 miles last week running with another 4 miles of biking towards the end of the week as a warm up!!! I have not been on a scale yet, so I don't know if it has moved at all, but I hope so.