Back On Track Together
Just check in
Being brand new to this site, I'm not sure whether this is the appropriate place to report progres or not - and if it isn't where the appropiate place is. Would someone please advise.
This morning was one of those weigh-ins you'd like to never have, but reality is you always will from time to time. I gained a little - not a lot and what I keep reminding myself is that "normal" weight people do that all the time and, if they even notice, they aren't the least concerned.
I'm happy to report, when the scales reflected a wee weight gain, I wasn't concerned either (now that's real growth right there!) as I had recorded my calorie consumption and I walked yesterday so I know it has everything to do with my "elimination" and not my consumption.
How are all of you out there doing?
Thanks for the reality check. I really needed it. I'm here because I'm determined to take the steps necessary to lose the weight I've gained back and if it takes tiny baby steps to do it, then so be it. Baby steps in the right direction is still going right.
Just my thoughts on the scale....Kathy S. helped me get to this point, thanks! I have put my scale away. I have always had a terrible relationship with the scale, even when I was losing pounds a week. I equate the scale (for me) with humiliation, embarrassment, failure. I know I am eating well and moving. I write down every morsel that goes into my mouth. I don't need that #@**&^% scale to tell me I'm doing a great job. I feel free!!!!!!!
Keep up the good work!

We do have a love/hate relationship with that scale do we not??

If you are logging your food, and on track with eating and exercising then use how your clothes fit for a measurement. If your pants are getting tight, then check your food logs and or up your exercise.
That way you won't freak over the way our bodies go up and down on the scale...
We are so glad to have you guys here

Take care,
HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130
Thanks for your comment about elimination and not your consumption. Catchy and I'm going to remember that.
You post whenever and wherever you want.
This group has helped me personally so much. It has given me so much motivation to be here among like-minded members that share the same goal of getting and staying on track.
Thanks, Cathy
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!

- I will learn to let go what I cannot change, but I will change whatever I can. Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
Have you taken your vitamins today?