Back On Track Together
Just walking?
Any recommendations for getting some excercise in when there is severe fibromyalgia pain involved. I want to move and get going again, but it hurts to even stand up! Walking is so boring and I've been trying to just walk up and down my stairs a couple times a day but it feels as if my hips will splinter....I must get moving!!!!

80 lbs lost lots more to go....

Fibromyalgia is so difficult to live with. I commend you for living with it and your desire to get moving despite the pain.
Unfortunately, I personally don't have any recommendations from my own experience. Have you talked with your physical as to what would be safe and his/her recommendations for you?
We have an awesome group of members here on BOTT so hopefully there will be someone that can provide more information.
I'm glad that you're here as a BOTTer too.
Take care, Cathy
Unfortunately, I personally don't have any recommendations from my own experience. Have you talked with your physical as to what would be safe and his/her recommendations for you?
We have an awesome group of members here on BOTT so hopefully there will be someone that can provide more information.
I'm glad that you're here as a BOTTer too.
Take care, Cathy
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You might want to find a good chiropractor. I don't have fibromyalgia, thankfully but I do have ruptured disc's in my lower back that some days, I can not move they are so far out.
My Chiropractor has many clients that do have Fibromyalgia and they get great relief and walk out feeling better than when they went in. Just a suggestion and I hope you feel better soon...
My Chiropractor has many clients that do have Fibromyalgia and they get great relief and walk out feeling better than when they went in. Just a suggestion and I hope you feel better soon...
have you tried walking in water? it takes the weight off your joints/bones and still gives you a great work out..... check out your local pool or gym.... when I was having major back pain and was SMO our gym offered a water aerobics class just for people with limited movement and/or special needs....
Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot Do....
377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal
Well, I made a doctors appt for the 13th and in themean time I am trying some yoga and stretching and some light pilates to at least start moving. I tried to do a "beginner" biggest loser work out on excercise t.v. but my knees were killing me and doing that snap crackle pop thing. I do feel alot better for stretching though. I'll work through it for now I guess.

80 lbs lost lots more to go....