Back On Track Together
First step for Back To Basics.....Planning, Preparing
Hey Everyone,
Remember when we were first preparing for our surgery? What was one thing we did? We went to meetings, read docs, planned, planned and planned. We were so prepared there was no room for any failure. We knew what to eat, when and how much, we knew what to do for going out. We had our grocery list, protein ready and jugs of water.
So take this long weekend and get ready...prepare like you did before surgery. Planning and Preparing will translate into "long" term success
Take care,
Remember when we were first preparing for our surgery? What was one thing we did? We went to meetings, read docs, planned, planned and planned. We were so prepared there was no room for any failure. We knew what to eat, when and how much, we knew what to do for going out. We had our grocery list, protein ready and jugs of water.
So take this long weekend and get ready...prepare like you did before surgery. Planning and Preparing will translate into "long" term success

Take care,
HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130
Doing that as I type....cleaned out the refrigerator of all of its holiday remnants. Emptied the cookie storage containers, got rid of opened bags of left over chips etc. Writing a menu for meals and a shopping list to go with it. Reviewing my schedule for next week to see where I can fit the gym in...or at least a class. I haven't done any organized exercise in several months. My biggest dilemma is how to fit in more hot fluids since it is damp and cold here. Eventually tea gets old and I don't do coffee more than 1 x per day.
Have a wonderful, getting prepped, day!!
Have a wonderful, getting prepped, day!!

We are so funny.... I cleaned out the fridge and told my husband if he doesn't eat the rest of the pumpkin pie it's going in the trash. We have some cookies and they are on their way next door to the kids. And the chips, have got to go.....I became hooked on those sunchips.
I loved, loved, loved my exercising and I miss not going...That being said I know I have to take it slow. It's hard as I use to be in such GREAT shape...I am checking the times for my boxing class tomorrow...
Just a suggestions on the fluids..... When you get up, drink a bottle of water 500ml before you do anything else... Then after breakfast you may want to drink your hot tea... with your morning snack drink another 500 ml of water, same for lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. Try and not drink 30 min's before and or after you eat.
I am sooooooo bad about this and it really does make a difference. When I drink with meals I get full fast and then find I am hungry just an hour or so later.. If I don't drink, I eat more protein and not hungry.
But try and play a game and don't drink your tea and crystal light until you have gotten in your water...that way tea and crystal light will seem like a treat!!!
Take care,
HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130