Back On Track Together
Small changes to get Back On Track?
Cathy, that is a great suggestion. For January I will be working on getting in good protein levels but with a good portion of fruits and veggies and just a small amount of good carbs...
Breads have always done me in so I will be reigning in on carbs and journaling my Bott daily...I need to stay accountable...we can do this, together....Laurie
Breads have always done me in so I will be reigning in on carbs and journaling my Bott daily...I need to stay accountable...we can do this, together....Laurie
I am getting back on track one step at a time, small steps but forward moving steps. I get overwhelmed otherwise and discouraged. I am using goals and rewards to get back on track. I always reward myself with new clothes because that is really fun for me. My goal this month is to exercise 3-4 days a week and my reward will be to buy some new clothes, smaller clothes of course.
I am also using some affirmations in my thinking to get in the right mindset. I remind myself that "I will be successful in whatever I chose to do" , every day. I am successful now and I will continue to be successful.
I also started a challenge at work. We are walking across the US. It is an exercise based challenge that is getting everyone fired up. LOL
I am doing 31 days of healthy habits to give myself a kickstart in January for doing things that are healthy and should be included in my lifestyle.
I am also using some affirmations in my thinking to get in the right mindset. I remind myself that "I will be successful in whatever I chose to do" , every day. I am successful now and I will continue to be successful.
I also started a challenge at work. We are walking across the US. It is an exercise based challenge that is getting everyone fired up. LOL
I am doing 31 days of healthy habits to give myself a kickstart in January for doing things that are healthy and should be included in my lifestyle.
Getting back on track is my number one option, it's DO OR DIE for me!!! I MUST DO THIS!!!! I hit my lowest weight in September of 136-138 (which was 2-4 lbs below my goal) and was PERFECT for me!!! I was SOOOOO thrilled!!!! But then I started slacking at the gym, drinking more alcohol and coffee, and eating more sugar and carbs. Needless to say, the scale has creeped back up to about 144-148. 
MY NEW YEARS RESOLUTION IS TO BE 132 BY MAY 1ST!!!! That gives me 4 full months to lose approximately 15 pounds. That is less than 5 pounds a month! I CAN DO THIS....right?!?
I have already started getting my @$$ back to the gym...I went twice last week, and I went last night, going again today after work...going again tomorrow...
I WILL start bringing my resistance bands to work EVERYDAY and working out my arms at work, doing my push-ups and stomach crunches at work (I work in a quiet office that allows me to do so)
I WILL do some form of cardio (either the elliptical or running on treadmill) at the gym AT LEAST 3 X a week!!
I WILL drink my 64 oz of water a day!!! (I have been sooo bad at that)
I WILL NOT exceed or go under 1000 calories a day...(some days I don't even come close to 600 calories which I know is BAD!!!!)
I WILL reevaluate my protein/carb ratios...and watch my sugar!!!
I know this is all the basic stuff, but I just needed to write it, to see myself write it, to say it to myself, to make myself accountable for it....I NEED to not be a failure at this!!! And I cannot come this far only to fail now!!

MY NEW YEARS RESOLUTION IS TO BE 132 BY MAY 1ST!!!! That gives me 4 full months to lose approximately 15 pounds. That is less than 5 pounds a month! I CAN DO THIS....right?!?

I have already started getting my @$$ back to the gym...I went twice last week, and I went last night, going again today after work...going again tomorrow...
I WILL start bringing my resistance bands to work EVERYDAY and working out my arms at work, doing my push-ups and stomach crunches at work (I work in a quiet office that allows me to do so)
I WILL do some form of cardio (either the elliptical or running on treadmill) at the gym AT LEAST 3 X a week!!
I WILL drink my 64 oz of water a day!!! (I have been sooo bad at that)
I WILL NOT exceed or go under 1000 calories a day...(some days I don't even come close to 600 calories which I know is BAD!!!!)
I WILL reevaluate my protein/carb ratios...and watch my sugar!!!
I know this is all the basic stuff, but I just needed to write it, to see myself write it, to say it to myself, to make myself accountable for it....I NEED to not be a failure at this!!! And I cannot come this far only to fail now!!

I think it's a great idea to go for small steps instead of trying to change all the bad habits I've picked up over the last 6 months or so and setting myself up for failure. I think for January I want to get out there and exercise at least 4 times (or more) per week. Also start journaling. OK that's 2 steps, but I think I can handle that. Happy New Year to all!!

Small goals sound great! I have been trying to decide how I was going to do it all at once and still keep my sanity! Cause like others I am a perfectionist that hates to fail.....again!
So I think I will start with 2 smaller goals for January. Upping my protein and back to 3 meals plus 2 snacks a day.
I so need this for me. I still have nightmares of getting so obese that I can't get out of my bed or house without help! Even with my successful loss so far. This is something that I just can't fail at!
So I think I will start with 2 smaller goals for January. Upping my protein and back to 3 meals plus 2 snacks a day.
I so need this for me. I still have nightmares of getting so obese that I can't get out of my bed or house without help! Even with my successful loss so far. This is something that I just can't fail at!
Happy New Year all!
over the past few months i have fallen so far that it is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. However, i am determined to get back out there and do what i have to do to get back on the right track.
For January i am going to start tracking my intake on TDP again and try to get my eating back under control and then go from there.
good luck everyone!
over the past few months i have fallen so far that it is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. However, i am determined to get back out there and do what i have to do to get back on the right track.
For January i am going to start tracking my intake on TDP again and try to get my eating back under control and then go from there.
good luck everyone!
Starting Weight: 303
Current Weight: 150
Goal Weight: 110
You've got to say, I think that if I keep working at this and want it badly enough I can have it. It's called perseverance. -Lee Iacocca
Current Weight: 150
Goal Weight: 110
You've got to say, I think that if I keep working at this and want it badly enough I can have it. It's called perseverance. -Lee Iacocca