Back On Track Together
What's your definition?
From talking with members, many of us talk a lot about back on track. I've found though that it means different things to different people.
I think a good place to start here on our Back On Track Together group is to be clear as to what being on track means to us.
For me, it is a few things:
1. Eat protein first. Generally, eat 2 or 3 bites of protein for every bite of vegetables, complex carbs and fruit.
2. Drink a minimum of 64 ounces of water.
3. Exercise, incorporate activity and movement into my day, 4-5 days per week. Also, when the opportunity presents itself, I choose activity. Rather than take the elevator, I'll take the stairs. Rather than drive around for five minutes for a parking space, I'll automatically park the furthest space away.
4. Take my vitamins daily. (They don't absorb in my body sitting in the cabinet.)
5. Do not graze. Planned snacks are fine but no mindless grazing.
6. Don't emotionally eat (big one for me!). Turn to non-food strategies for coping with emotions than food.
That's my list. What's yours?
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
There are times I get over my head with carbs and I will use the term "getting back on track" basically to avoid them and detox from them... they are such a rollecoaster ride with my blood sugars and cravings! Other times I just want to stay on track like you mentioned and it is basically what you mentioned "going back to basics":
1) protein first
2) Water, water, water..
3) take my vitamins
4) exercise and like you find ways to incorporate more like taking the stairs, parking farther, I even load the bottled water in my cart at the store before i get the rest of the groceries so I have to pu**** around lol.. I know I am nuts.
5) no grazing
I also do the following...
6) Keeping up with support gropus and relationships that are healthy around food. Connecting to others with the same health goals. Attending and leading my own support group monthly.
7) Going to all doctor's visits and being upfront and honest with any problems I might be having (relationship with food etc).
8) I sought out therapy for a while to help me with my food issues and also the changing dynamics of friends and family and it helped tremendously.
9) Switched my primary doctor to a doctor who also has had RNY and I am very connected with the bariatric program at my hospital where I work. I was chosen to be the bari coordinator but I stepped down b/c of the amount of time required to be there and we are looking at starting a family soon via adoption. But I remain connected with the new coordinator.
10) Looking for other things to manage stress, exercise, hobbies like scrapbooking and reading, and volunteering around my neighborhood. Staying social!
RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock
LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

I LOVE your list. You are absolutely right about the additions you made to the basics. By looking at your list, you've got it going on!!
I look forward to getting to know you better and sharing our BOTT.
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
#1 - Remembering why I did this in the first place, remembering it is for me and about me.
#2 - Eating correctly, listening to my body......stopping when full, not eating when I am not hungry, etc.
#3 - Redevoting to my exercise program, daily if necessary.
#4 - Learning non food ways of dealing with my emotions and rewarding myself
#5 - Knowing and admitting that I am SUCCESSFULL now and saying thank you when complimented on my awesome progress.
#6 - Not letting the "you cheated with surgery" hate mongers get in my head. Only I know what a life changing experience this has been.
#7 - Avail myself to my support system and be a support to others who need it.
#8 - Educate myself on nutrition
#9 - Plan meals, snacks and drinks (working on this, it is a tough one for me)
I find I do all kinds of things to motivate myself and keep on track. Doing challenges at work is no little part of that. I find that this journey is life encompassing and my life has changed dramatically in the last year. I do not eat the same way nor do I deal with things the same way. It has been a year of victories but there have been a few holes in the road that I had to navigate around. Mostly I had to write the map of my life over and learn how to navigate all over. What a wonderful journey it has been.
Dottie R.
So here it is , in black and white
1. Alot more protine ( shake for breakfst)
2. water ( i only drink water but I need to drink at least 6 more glasses every day)
3. STOP smoking -----by jan 09
4. Streaches than Pilates every morning
5. yogart for lunch
6. balanced dinner
7. Gym and Tan every night
8. continue with vitamins and suplaments
9. have my labs done at least annualy - check on hernias
10. get Perminate birth conrol done if its with in my budget
11. stop bitting nails and cutting hair as coping mech
12. REACH 160 lbs by the 2009 years end ( drop 45lbs)
junk or sweets
eating between meals
going out to eat
using shopping as coping mech
finding reasons to be around my X cuz Im lonely
or feeling like no one will ever love me
I am scared. Scared for the lose of the routines and sence of security/familiarity I now have, but I know that this routine I find myself in - is toxic to me.
I can do it ... I know this. With the help of accountability and knowing I am not alone -- I will make this happen.
Thank you for this group !
My List would be
#1 Protein, Protein, Protein first
#2 Exercise......I was working with a personal trainer 2x's a week and finacially I had to stop for a bit and I felt so good about myself and now back to Once a week (with a few times not being able to do that because of the busy holidays) And now I feel like I have gained a million pounds (I know impossible but that's how my mind is working) But this week I am starting a new. Once a week with my trainer and the gym on the other nights.
#3 NO GRAZING this is a big one for me. I have been doing good but still needs work.
My list would be to get my protein in and of course to take all my vitamins & supplements everyday. Make sure that I get in 3 complete meals in and not just snacks. DO better at avoiding junk food. I have to admit that I've been chewing it and spitting in it out. Most importantally I think I really need to work on finding the confidence to do things alone as far as working out by myself. I got to where I didn't reconize the person in the mirror anymore and I most definetelly didn't like her much either. I would just hide whether it was in the house or in my kitchen or in my many layers of clothes.I think I should make that #1. I can really start to see some of changes in myself physically and I'm so excited.
1. Meet protein goals.
2. Drink water.
3. Cut down on refined carbs to keep blood sugar stable.
4. Move.
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1 - Love myself enough to take care of my own daily needs for better health.
2 - Eat a healthy balance of foods. Including staying within my calorie range (1200-1400), and keeping my macronutrients in line (40% protein, 40% carbs, 20% fat). Getting enough fiber (25-30g) and drinking enough water (64oz). Eat according to my daily schedule and avoid unplanned snacks or grazing or mindless eating. And the only way I'll know if I'm hitting those daily goals is to track my food in on FitDay.
3 - Exercise because I care about my overall health. I'm not exercising to lose weight, I'm doing it to improve my heart and lung function, build my lean muscle mass and to be a more healthy person. And it's not just about going to the gym - it's about getting out and enjoying life and being more active overall. Keeping those reasons in mind helps me be more faithful to my workout routine.
4 - Be obsessive about my vitamins and supplements. My life depends on it.
5 - Follow the doctor's orders. Currently struggling with low blood pressure and trying to follow the doctor's orders of more water and more sodium. So far I'm not doing good with these, but it's going on this list as a priority.
6 - Be intune with my body and my emotions and be comfortable with who I am, what I think, how I feel and the direction my life is going.
7 - Be kind to myself. If I fall off track, that is not permission to beat myself up. This is not a diet and this is not a race .... it's about lifestyle and the long haul. Be kind. Be happy. Just be.
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The scale can measure the weight of my body but never my worth as a woman. ~Lysa TerKeurst author of Made to Crave