The Next Frontier Weight Loss Support Group
February 12 Meeting February 13, 2008 12:34 am ![]() SUMMARY: Discussion of Sherry S. upcoming revision with Dr. Ellner on February 26. We are all very excited and happy for you Sherry. Revisions give bypass patients a second chance to lose the weight they didn't or could the first time. This is an exciting new procedure and Sherry will be our shining star and will be making a television commercial to be aired in California. After the procedure, she will eat like we all did when we were first out of surgery..same kind of schedule, feeling of fullness etc. No open cutting will be involved, they go through the mouth to do this procedure, so it is not as invasive. This is an excellent procedure for patients who's pouch was made too big or stretched. Sherry S. said that in her case, her pouch was made too big (looks more like a sack), the stoma is too large and she never achieves a sensation of fullness. Check out the 5 day pouch test at Alice will be providing information about the Weight Watcher's group she goes to. Look for that on the message board or added to this blog. Some of us (Sherry B and another member) are seeing a local therapist about transfer addiction issues. Some discussion was made about how most of us have compensated for our earlier obsessions with food by transferring it to something else (still food, alcohol, candy, shopping etc). Those underlying issues have to be addressed--and a therapist can help with that. For those of you who expressed interest in seeing her, her name is Susie Gilbreath and her phone number is 374-4410. Most of us in group were concerned about creeping weight gain and the inability to lose any more weight (stalling). After discussion, we settled on a number of reasons, lack of exercise (yeah...blah, blah, blah), grazing all day, eating and drinking things we know we shouldn't (bread, pasta, rice, candy, salty nuts, wine etc) Most of us are getting in our water, but many can't drink it plain and need to add something to it (lemons, limes, crystal light). The link to do the 5 day pouch test is: I am reading up on it now and will inform more on the message board. Exercise...Marianne goes to the 5:30 p.m. Jazzercise class, Veronica, Sherry B., and Lynnie will also try to start going. Lynnie, Sherry B. and Veronica also go to the Saturday yoga class at Jazzercise and a new session should be starting up soon...more info on that later. :) Sherry
Meeting Rules---Please Read. February 12, 2008 10:28 am Welcome to The Next Frontier Weight Loss Surgery Support Group. We are very happy you are here. Please, let’s first establish a few ground rules.
Issues and the Next Frontier
February 1, 2008 10:42 am I am seeing a therapist. Yes, I said therapist. I found that one year after surgery I still had unresolved issues that needed professional intervention. After talking to many of my friends here, I found that they too had issues that they needed help with and were not getting satisfactory answers or help from our bi-weekly meetings. So, we are. The Next Frontier. I plan on being very candid in our first meeting. Please remember that we are in this together, there is no one sitting in judgement of what we have done, said or do.
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