
Glen Burnie-Annapolis Support


The Power of Support
August 11, 2011 10:08 pm
Good Morning,
This is my first attempt at creating a blog and I figured this is the best place to create that blog. I want to start with the topic of Support. I found out the hard way how much support is needed in this weight loss journey. I was one of a million who probably said, "I don't need a support group or therapy, I can do this alone!" NOT TRUE. that is why on the day of my surgery (4/30/2005) I weighed 360lbs. At two years out (7/30/2007) I weifghed 242 lbs.; however today (8/12/2011) I now weight 311 lbs. But I refuse to get back to my day of WLS weight. I realized that without the support of others who have and are going through the same issues is like being an alcoholic without an AA meeting. Being overwieght and havng am addiction to food is a disease that needs treatment. WLS is the treatment but the ongoing followup, the right nutrition, exercise and support is what keeps the weight off.

This is why I started this group and blog. Not to chart my own WL and success but to find others who like me need the support and encouragement that you can't find in your family and friends because they have not taken this type of walk in your shows. Walk with me and the other members of the group into a life filled with joy, happiness, peace and a healthy well being. Till next time--Stay Blessed

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