December 2011 Sleevers
Are you telling anyone about your wls? why or why not? I am not ashamed but I know people have different views of why people have wls (saying its the easy way out; or I am just being lazy) Whatever! Not the case.. just wanted to know how you are dealing with the negative people!
Thanks to OH I know I have support from you guys and gals!
Thanks to OH I know I have support from you guys and gals!
Short answer: Yes and no. 
My mom had WLS, and I'm very close to certain members of my family, so they're the ones I've told. I have a few very close friends whom I've told and are all supportive. In terms of coworkers, I've told the people that my time off of work will most directly affect. I've chosen not to tell others beforehand, just because I know I'll miss telling someone, and it'll probably be someone who gets his/her nose out of joint that I "snubbed" them, and it'll cause unneeded work drama. So far, I've only had one non-supportive friend, and I'm dealing with that - he's my best male friend, so it's going to hurt if this ends our friendship, but my health is more important than anything else.

My mom had WLS, and I'm very close to certain members of my family, so they're the ones I've told. I have a few very close friends whom I've told and are all supportive. In terms of coworkers, I've told the people that my time off of work will most directly affect. I've chosen not to tell others beforehand, just because I know I'll miss telling someone, and it'll probably be someone who gets his/her nose out of joint that I "snubbed" them, and it'll cause unneeded work drama. So far, I've only had one non-supportive friend, and I'm dealing with that - he's my best male friend, so it's going to hurt if this ends our friendship, but my health is more important than anything else.
My sleeve is scheduled for Dec 16th.
Many non obese individuals have a notion that being obese is easy to change with exercise and eating right. For myself I have tried for years to lose weight and 1 was successful short term then for the weight to come back and then some.
. I told my grown up daughter ( age 29) first about my decision to have the sleeve and after listening to my reasons she agreed it was a valid surgery for me. I would potentially be able to get rid of plenty of my co-morbidities secondary to my obesity including High blood pressure , sleep apnea, metabolic syndrome, fatty liver, pre-diabetis, and improved back issues .
I explained it to my husband as wanting to be able to grow old with him, be there for my kids as they get older, see my kids get married at a future wedding and be there for my future grandkids. With all the medical problems I have now my longevity is shortened.
If you choose to share your WLS with your friends then approach it as a tool to get healthy.
In reference to your co-workers - if they are not your friends outside of work you need to decide if you want to share this surgery information with them at the beginning or after some significant weight loss;
I have decided not to share my personal health problems with my co-workers since they are not my friends outside of work..
Later as I continue this journey I may mention WLS as a surgery that
assisted me in reaching my goal of better health.
Again the focus is not trying to find a easy way out of obesity but being proactive to make a change in your life for a healthy, energetic you.
Many non obese individuals have a notion that being obese is easy to change with exercise and eating right. For myself I have tried for years to lose weight and 1 was successful short term then for the weight to come back and then some.
. I told my grown up daughter ( age 29) first about my decision to have the sleeve and after listening to my reasons she agreed it was a valid surgery for me. I would potentially be able to get rid of plenty of my co-morbidities secondary to my obesity including High blood pressure , sleep apnea, metabolic syndrome, fatty liver, pre-diabetis, and improved back issues .
I explained it to my husband as wanting to be able to grow old with him, be there for my kids as they get older, see my kids get married at a future wedding and be there for my future grandkids. With all the medical problems I have now my longevity is shortened.
If you choose to share your WLS with your friends then approach it as a tool to get healthy.
In reference to your co-workers - if they are not your friends outside of work you need to decide if you want to share this surgery information with them at the beginning or after some significant weight loss;
I have decided not to share my personal health problems with my co-workers since they are not my friends outside of work..
Later as I continue this journey I may mention WLS as a surgery that
assisted me in reaching my goal of better health.
Again the focus is not trying to find a easy way out of obesity but being proactive to make a change in your life for a healthy, energetic you.
on 11/30/11 12:37 pm
on 11/30/11 12:37 pm
It's no secret, I just don't want everyone to know. I have selected my immediate family ( mom, step father, sister) and close friends. I used a different approach for each person...I did get some back lash but I educated them and told them I need their support not their opinions.
You don't have to update your status on n Facebook or tweet will know who u should tell and when it's appropriate. Good luck
You don't have to update your status on n Facebook or tweet will know who u should tell and when it's appropriate. Good luck
I haven't shied away from telling anyone. All of my coworkers know, every part of my family that is here in Kuwait with me (mom, stepdad, stepbrother, and husband) are all aware of what's going on, and I told my sister in the U.S. yesterday. I'm not keeping it a secret, but I'm not about to post on Facebook that I'm going to have surgery to lose weight! lol
If anyone asks how I lost the weight later down the road, I'll tell them and if they choose to judge me, well....f*&* them!
If anyone asks how I lost the weight later down the road, I'll tell them and if they choose to judge me, well....f*&* them!
I have share with about 9 people. Only 2 family members in that group (sister she had band 12/07).
She is supportive but I think she told my strp mother because she said something today about.. I heard oyu were having surgery. I said Ohhhh - who said that. She tried to play it off as ..It was just something I thought I head a little snippet but they could hace said jerry (not my name but close).
I don't want her to know because she will try to come over and help me and she has MRSA which I DO NOT NEED around me while I am healing. Last thing I want is to get that crap.
Only 1 negative person I have told and they said "easy way out". I explained weight loss for me is like playing a 35 yr game and never winning. Score 3 me and 32 fat.
I told them if it was that easy I would have succeeded years ago.
I also explained this was merely a new tool to help me if used correctly.
She is supportive but I think she told my strp mother because she said something today about.. I heard oyu were having surgery. I said Ohhhh - who said that. She tried to play it off as ..It was just something I thought I head a little snippet but they could hace said jerry (not my name but close).
I don't want her to know because she will try to come over and help me and she has MRSA which I DO NOT NEED around me while I am healing. Last thing I want is to get that crap.
Only 1 negative person I have told and they said "easy way out". I explained weight loss for me is like playing a 35 yr game and never winning. Score 3 me and 32 fat.
I told them if it was that easy I would have succeeded years ago.
I also explained this was merely a new tool to help me if used correctly.
Weight can be a very touchy subject, everyone in my office knows of my surgery. I work for the surgeon that will be performing my surgery. So this is a challenge in it's self. I will only be off from the 21st of De****il Jan 3rd. I have had many concerns I had the lapband in 2008 and had many complications also the surgeon that I work for also did that surgery so I feel that I failed the first time around. So besides getting the sleeve he will be taking out my band. So there is no hiding my surgery at work and my friends all know as well ad family. I think it's better for people to understand what im going through the more support the better recovery and outcome I hope to have. Good luck too all
Well said SheSparksATL - that's basically my MO too. The ones that NEED to know, do. The ones that DON'T need to know, don't. It's a simple as that! I struggled with the decision to tell my boss - but only b/c he's a health nut. I don't need to request time off, b/c I work for a large university and my surgery is scheduled for the day we get out for our Christmas break. But in the end, just in case there were any complications, I wanted to be honest with him and LO AND BEHOLD, he was EXTREMELY supportive! The only "opposition" that I've encounterd is from an old friend who actually has the RNY done 6 years ago. She's had many complications, mostly self-inflicted and now thinks that having the surgery ruined her life. She did everything in her power to talk me out of this over the weekend, but I'm strong and I know that this surgery is the right decision for ME! My immediate family (hubby, kids, and mom) are VERY supportive as are my closest friends - in fact, my BFF and I are going in together for the procedure!
Honestly you don't have to explain your actions to ANYONE that you don't choose to. If they are negative now, just wait until you start losing the weight - then the jealousy will start and the negativity will really ramp up. In the end, you'll know who your true friends are!
Good luck!
Honestly you don't have to explain your actions to ANYONE that you don't choose to. If they are negative now, just wait until you start losing the weight - then the jealousy will start and the negativity will really ramp up. In the end, you'll know who your true friends are!
Good luck!
It's no secret at my job. I didn't openly share with every one until about 2 weeks before surgery. I figured every one will know once I return anyway. I've only shared it with those I see or talk to and am very casual about it like sorry I can't attend the party I will be recuperating from surgery. Surprisingly, every one has been supportive. From speaking with others who have had it, I'm told to expect some of that support to decrease once I really start losing weight.
I'm very happy about my decision and in the end, that's all that matters.
I'm very happy about my decision and in the end, that's all that matters.