December 2011 Sleevers


Welcome! This group is being formed because I noticed several folks had dates in December like I do and many seemed to be going thru the same things at the same time. This group is not restricted to any particular surgery type or date - or any other distinctions. But it is started as a way for those of us scheduled for December 2011 to connect and travel this path together.

General Information

Location: ,
Group Created: Nov 28, 2011
Members: 64
2 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
Almost a year!!! - How is every one doing? We are coming up on our surgiversary!!!
13 Years Ago
Hey December 2011 sleevers - just thought I would - Hadn't seen much going on with our group so I thought I would nudge everyone for an update! I was sleeved 12/22/11 and have lost a total of 89lbs and 61.5 inches since then!  Pl...
13 Years Ago
13 Years Ago
13 Years Ago
13 Years Ago
13 Years Ago
Just checkin in . . . - I had surgery on Dec 21 . . . as of today Feb 8 . . . I am 45 lbs down . . . How is everyone else doing??

November 30, 2011 5:45 am
I know there is still some confusion on the group because there was duplication while I was trying to create this. I apologize for any inconvenience or frustration you experienced while I fumbled my w...
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