Community Goals

remember my vitamins every single day

I want to do this


Continue to make them part of my night routine before bed


I take my vitamins when I take my meds. I don't forget.


Keep my patches by my bed so I slap them on when I wake up. When this fails, label the alarm on my phone "Don't Forget Your Patch Today"!


Use a daily pill box


I have one stacked on my mirror that I get ready in front of every day, I have one in my kitchen next to the case of water, I have it written on the dry erase board as "remember your vitamins"

~ Dana ~

I have my vitamins separated out for the week and take them daily! If I don't prepare them for the week I usually forget until the following weekend.


Put it in my organizer daily


I have a reminder on my phone to send an alert when it's time for a new patch.
