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on 9/5/08 5:38 am - Livingston, TX
Topic: RE: Is there anyone here from Berkeley Springs WV or surrounding area?
Yep, that is us.  If you know anyone who needs a house, it is on the market again.

Congratulations on your success.

on 9/4/08 9:31 am - southern, OH
  Hi  well  15 years   thats a long time   to be honest you dont look old enough to have been married that long.  My husband and I have been married for 37  this past July  thats even longer... 
  OK  have a great week end and enjoy yourself..
prayers willa


on 9/4/08 7:49 am - berkeley springs, WV
Topic: RE: Is there anyone here from Berkeley Springs WV or surrounding area?

I believe I know of you two, you had a house on grove heights and you were trying to sell it so that you could be on the move in you camper.  If your the same people I went to a yard sale that you had before you moved and you had talked to me about your surgeries.
I finally got the courage to go through with it and I to have not had any problems yet.
It's very hard finding people locallly that has had this done or even a support group near by.
I'm happy to hear that you guys were able to get out and about and have a good life, and congrats on the weight loss, I'm very proud of you.
Continue to stay in touch and let me know how your doing.

on 9/4/08 7:49 am - WV

Birthday is in June. B day is my short for Band day. Thanks for the BBfood ideas.

This weekend my DH and I are going off to celebrate or 15th anniversary(was last week) so I do not know how much I will be on here.

The days will start falling off like crazy now. Hope you had a great day. Crystal.


First fill 11/4/08 3cc's  Second fill 12/19/08 2cc's
Third appt 1/27/09 rescheduled
Third fill 3/24/09 1 cc= Total 6cc's

on 9/4/08 6:47 am - Livingston, TX
Topic: RE: Is there anyone here from Berkeley Springs WV or surrounding area?
Welcome to the losing side.  Mary and I lived in Berkeley Springs until last October when I retired from Morgan County Schools. 

We still own our home in BS and have many friends in the area.  Currently, we are living full-time in our motor home at the Marine Corps Onslow Beach Recreation Area on the Atlantic Ocean.  I am one of the two camp hosts here on the beach.

We had our GBS in Morgantown in late 2005 and have had no problems whatsoever.  Between the two of us we lost a total of 278 pounds.

on 9/4/08 5:07 am - berkeley springs, WV
Topic: Is there anyone here from Berkeley Springs WV or surrounding area?

I just had lap RNY on August the 20th and it would really be nice to talk to someone in my area.  I am on one site and it seems like all most people want to do on there is talk about other members, I'm just not into that at all.
If at all possible it would be nice to start up a support group in the morgan county area, or even berkeley county.  It is definatley needed around here.
Please respond if your interested in chatting.
on 9/2/08 10:16 pm - Anchorage, AK
Topic: So pretty! So Fat! So Sad! so-sad.html
This is a tag line above a photo of a larger girl in her underwear.  This is a real ad!  I am so disgusted!  read more at my blog and see the actual ad.  We need to stop buying from companies that use these types of demeaning ads.
on 9/2/08 7:20 pm - southern, OH
Good Morning
               20 days     I will help you count down   from your post your surgery date is very close to your B day or did I misread  understand?
       I am going to eggfaces site and print out some recipes..  I never know how long we will have the internet.. another long story... so I want to make sure I have them on the recipes on paper... I am anxious to give this little machine  a good try out,,

  On the baby food flavors  I like the Beef and vegetables, chicken and vegetables,  after a while you can have the lasgn.  but it has small lumps in it so we cannt have that until stage 3, I tried the veal and something  but I didnt like that at all. beef and noodles  like goulash,  there others but I am to lazy to get up and look.  I found mine at Big Lots for 25 cents each  even the large stage 3 jars.  I tried the fruit  deserts  and the something like Good Morning it is for breakfast and again to many carbs, but then I read the carbs. and ended up giving them to a niece that has a baby.
    I know what I need to know   why I cannt remember....  do you remember how many carbs it is we can eat per day? I know it isnt very many that may be one of the reasons I am not loosing very much very quickly and the exercise

    Ok I am going to go  it is early 5:18am  and see what I can get into before it gets hot out   I so need to pull  flowers from my weeed garden  yes it is that bad   but I cannt get put in the sun  I keep a sun burn on the top of my back I burn very easily but  cancer runs so strong in my family I try to stay out of the sun and my yard is suffering from it.
prayers willa


on 9/2/08 11:28 am - WV

You must try some on eggfaces ice cream recipies. They sound wonderful.

Thanks for the congrats. (I did not really get hurt by the no responses) I must have forgotten about the carmel update though.

What flavors of baby food do you like? I have not eaten any in a very long time.

Have a great night or tomarrow which ever is the case when you read this. Crystal:)

on 9/2/08 11:02 am - southern, OH
  I felt so bad esp when I saw that no one had congrat you I a sorry    you had some abbr....tion  so I cannt spell    yes your head will keep saying that  but just remeber with the band after a while you will be able to eat almost anything you do now but just not as much  
 like me I hadnt been able to eat hot dogs but thats what my husband wanted so thats what we had.... I  i had 1 hotdog on bread not a bun  less cals and all and some pasta salad   I had about third for lunch  then heated the same dog for suppoer and then for breakfast had the last third and even with that I shared with my puppies I think I have the right restriction  but not sure cause some days it feels like theres none at all   but I think some one on the other bpard said that was normal  theres so much to learn.
I have tried the carmel   I thought I had entioned it  I do like it. 
  ohh to get things ready for after I would get a few jars of baby food  they are good for the mushy stage  I still use them  esp. after a fill   you will be on 2 day stage 2 and 3 days stage 3   and then gently back to real food  but be real careful until you know what your tummy will take. I put a little salt and pepper in it and it isnt to bad and it is just about the right amount.
     I have been looking for something all summer and that is an ice cream machine  I found one today at a yard sale for ten dollars and it is electric  and after it is all mixed  you set the container in the freezer until it is frozen   no salt or ice  to mess with  and you can make your own goodies . I was real happy but almost didnt get it but then I thought since it took all smmer to find any kind I would be silly not to grab it.
  Ok I am gone I think I will be in bed before you get this....
 and congrats


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