Denied again ! :help:
I have been denied for the 3rd time. I have PEIA Accordia and they are giving me so many problems. I wish that the people at Accordia would understand how hard it is to be over 300 lbs. and not be able to have the surgery that could help me lose this weight.
I wish that I could just pay cash for it but that is impossible for me to do. PLEASE pray that some how God will work a miracle and I will get to have the surgery. I am appealing again, this is the last time that I can appeal.
Thank you
Dear Susan,
I think there is a legal site that helps with appeals with insurance denials. When I was having problems someone at the suport group I attend mentioned It is worth a try.
I also believe God works miracles. I will ask my entire relelious community to pray for you. They have listened to my woes for almost two years, so I know they will pray with fervor.
Sr. Jo