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Topic: RE: terrified
Ditto what Lena said!!! I only gained 17 (and believe me, I was EATING ALOT!!!!) and I lost about 25 with the breastfeeding. Your hormoes help you eat during pregnancy --I think-- and then your pouch will restrict you after you have you new baby.
Have a GREAT pregnancy!!!!
Topic: RE: CPR anyone??
Ya, but maybe we can revive it!!!!! With help from people posting, we could give it a shot!!!
Topic: RE: terrified
Hi Elizabeth!!
First of all...breathe!! 12 pounds is great at 5mos. I think you have been on the preggo board will notice that the weight gain varies. Lots of folks have gained way more than you. You WILL notice that you can eat more!!! It is strange but definitely normal! I will tell you, by the time my daughter was born it had been well over 24 hours since I had eaten a thing and I was RAVENOUS!!! When they brought me food I just knew I was going to demoli****!! You know what I ended up eating? About 1 1/2 chicken fingers and maybe 6 fries and I was done!! Your pouch 'snaps' back to what it was before. I noticed increased restriction right away. I was 'lucky' as far as my pregnancy weight gain...I gained about 15 pounds, and lost 24 after she came. So for some reason I got a 'bonus' 10 pounds off!! YAY She will be 2 in June and I am still keeping it off.
It can be done! If you make good eating choices (for the most part) you should be fine!!!
Topic: terrified
Weighed 365 pounds, went down to 205 after wls, now I weigh 217. Going on my fifth month of pregnancy, have gained 12 pounds and i know i have more to go. I am horrified that when I have my baby in august I wont be able to lose the weight I've gained during pregnancy. I have been eating a lot more than before, and that's another reason why i'm freaking out, that the appetite i have now will stay the same after the birth. I had a miscarriage before and my husband thought it was because I wasnt eating enough due to the surgery. How did you deal with all the weight gain during pregnancy and after pregnancy? This is my very first pregnancy and I need help! appreciate it!
Topic: WHOA.... COLD HERE!!!!!
It is 65 below zero is parts of the state, with wind-chill factors!!! I think it is only like 20 below here today.... the biggist thing that sucks, is that I GOTTA GO OUT in this!!!!
Over by the Alaska/Canada border in Tok (yes, that's a town!!) it is like -70!! YIKES!!!
The weatherman says it should start to warm up this weekend!!
In other news, we are looking to buy me a "new to me car" We are taking it for the vehicle inspection on Saturday. Keep your fingers crossed!!! That old truck has it's QUIRKS!!! But at least it starts!!!
Topic: Over 3 weeks so far!!!!!
Hunter was in his big-boy bed 3 weeks on friday!!!! We took down his crib & now there is just his bed & dresser in his room. Now, the next big step is getting his bed up on a frame, and finding a stool for him to use. Once his bed is up on a frame, it will be TOO TALL for him to get up & down on easily, so he will definately need a stool. But he is doing SO WELL!!!!
Just had to update!!
Topic: Tonight makes 2 weeks!!!
Hunter is doing SO WELL in his bed & with his bedtime routine!!!! He just BLOWS me AWAY with how good he is doing!!!!! He makes me SOOOOO darn HAPPY!!!!
Topic: RE: WOW!!!!!! Out of his crib!!!
Hunter had a BALL on Christmas, he is now a "professional" at unwrapping gifts!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!
Ya, how about that????!!!! Someone who LOVES & CHERISHES their in-laws!!! I wish they lived here in Alaska, or us nearer to them. Mark's mom & dad JUST LOVE their grandkids to pieces!!!! My mom, was a GREAT mom, always tried to be there when we were growing up (she was a single mom) But, now, she ""falls short"" on being the grandmother roll. (She lives here in Alaska, 15 minutes from my sister & 30-45 from my house) I understand.............. to a point. She doesn't work at a job, she has rentals, and will do flips & remodels, but, she has the ability to be flexible & chooses often to IGNORE my sister, me & all 4 of her grandboys.
Sorry, I shouldn't rag about my mom, but, having Mark's mom & dad here, I tend to compare.
Sure would be nice if some of the post-op pregnancy gals would post over here too!!! I know it is the old format, but there is NOTHING I can do about that!!!!
I have never posted on the Alaska board. I just want to brag on my boy, that's all, plain & simple!!!!
Ya, hard to believe, I am going to be starting to talk second birthday's with you, being as Nate & Hunter are SO DARN close!!!! I knew when Hunter was 6 months what theme I wanted for his very first birthday!!!!!! Think I'll get a catlog from Birthday express & another from Oriental Trading Company to look. I think he is too young yet for the "military-hunting" theme this year, anyways.