First Post... Needing Advice

Lori R.
on 8/10/17 9:42 pm
VSG on 06/28/16

Hey fellow lightweights~

I've never posted here before and I'm a bit nervous about reaching out. I guess I'm looking for accountability or information as to the resources available on this site.


I'm 13 months post sleeve. HW 196 SW 194 CW 168 Ht 5' .5" GW 125ish

I'm really not happy with my progress. I'm not able to eat anything close to pre-surgery meals, but despite the smaller amounts, I'm not losing. I stopped losing less than 6 months after surgery and have been stuck since. To be honest, I know I don't stick to my food plan and I'm not consistent with exercise. My weakness is carbs... you name them. Potatoes, pasta, sweets, bread (although not a big bread eater.) I'm a night shift nurse and my schedule is so unpredictable that there's no way to establish a "routine." I work 9pm-9:30am, no holidays or weekends. I usually work 2-4 shifts a week, but I don't know until the evening if I'll be working or not. It's an outpatient surgical center, and if all the patients go home at the end of the day, they text me to say that I'm off. If there are patients who stay, the day shift will text me to let me know I'm working. So, very unpredictable at best. But I stay because I love my job and co-workers, so I really don't want to leave.

During my VSG procedure, I had a small hiatal hernia repaired. The pain from that was persistent so I had an upper GI study done about a month later. The report from the radiologist states that I still had a small hiatal hernia and approximately 50% of my original stomach. I was a bit upset by this. Really... 50%? I underwent major surgery to have approximately 80% removed! Apparently, I have a healthy amount of ghrelin production too, since I have always experienced hunger. Not just "head hunger" either- real hunger!

I constantly read about the awesome results from VSG and wonder why I haven't experienced it for myself. My surgeon is pleased with my results, but I'm not. I didn't have much of a "honeymoon phase" and my fear is that I'll regain the amount I've lost. I know that's a common fear, but with such a small margin for error, it wouldn't take much!

So, I'm asking for suggestions, advice, accountability, reality, or for anyone who has had a similar experience. I feel like a WLS failure. To top it off, I'm turning 50 in just over 6 months, and I want to be the best I can when I start a new decade. I have a wonderful family and a supportive husband who is overweight and totally unconcerned with his weight or mine! He loves to eat out and will not go to the gym with me or do any exercise, but is fine with me doing/eating whatever.

This has been a bit of a ramble, but thanks for reading~ I look forward to your responses!


Phil 4:13

on 8/11/17 5:05 am, edited 8/11/17 7:25 am - Eastlake, OH

Hi Lori!

Sorry to hear you are having a such a tough time.

I had rny, so my exeperience is a little different.

But some things are very alike, I turned 51 in January

My hubby does not eat healthy or exercise

Never quite made it to goal. Have struggle with regain since 3 years out, out 7 years now.

I am also a nurse, crazy hours, some times no breaks, or just a minute to wolf something down.

Things that have helped me is

1 journaling my food, every bite, used to write in a notebook, but use my phone now and my fitness pal. Some days are better than others

2 had to break up with refined and white carbs, make me want to eat more. This was my problem pre op too, could eat fruit veggies and bread, pasta, crackers and never eat a piece of meat. Carbs really make me hungry, not just head hungry

3 I keep my work bag stocked with tuna packets, single serving sizes of nuts, cheese sticks wrapped with lunch meat, also keep my crystal ligh****er bottle available. Greek yogurt and cottage cheese with berries or sliced fruit. It really is all about planning ahead. Now if I can only get this to stick in my own brain! Keep some stock in the frig, so I always have a good snack, even at home. Love hard boiled eggs too

4 when eating at home, I start with my dense protein, and veggies.

5 Exercise, need to get more, hurt my hip training for a 10k, but trying to walk more.

Hope this helps, I feel your pain! I have been able to lose 13 pounds of regain so far. It has been SLOW!

as for accountability, Roz is here with her daily thread


SW 230 Preop 205 GW 130 LW 131 CW 135 Ht 5'1"

Lori R.
on 8/12/17 7:57 am
VSG on 06/28/16

Maria~ thanks for your response! The unpredictable nature of our profession probably accounts for a lot of overweight nurses! Congratulations on your success... I'd be happy with that! Turning 50 has me like ? but it is just a number!

I do need to journal, but doing it just for me isn't working. I used to us My Fitness Pal but most recently I'd been using the baritastic app. I need to find someone who will do it with me, and hold me to a better food plan.

Let's keep in touch~ thanks again!


on 8/11/17 9:58 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16

I'm sorry you are struggling, but you just said you don't eat according to your plan. You need to nix the carbs, white knuckle it for a week and up your protein intake. Exercise is good for your health, both physically and emotionally but has very little impact on weight loss.

If you have stopped losing weight it is simply because you are eating too many calories. You need to track your food and count those calories.

Most importantly ditch the carbs, they will (and seem to have) stall your weightloss.

Surgery wasn't magic. You have to put the effort in if you want to see results.

The unpredictable job is tough, but if you always have the right foods prepped in the fridge and ready to go you should be able to throw together a WLS friendly meal for when you are at work.

Good Luck

Over 100 lbs lost! and 13 lbs below goal weight!

Lori R.
on 8/12/17 7:40 am
VSG on 06/28/16

Thanks for your response! You are right... I allowed a few slider foods to derail my progress. My tummy still hurts sometimes and unfortunately, carbs are still comforting. I'm making a list of low or no carb foods that will be well tolerated, such as Greek yogurt and cottage cheese. I really want to see some results, so I'm willing to make some changes!

Thanks again for your input!

on 8/11/17 10:02 am
RNY on 03/29/17

I'm sorry you're struggling and I'm only 4 mo out so I doubt my input is that helpful... but here goes!

  1. If you're REALLY hungry you'll desire an apple or a tuna packet. Post WLS the tuna packet is the smart choice, but an apple will still fill your stomach and it takes awhile to get broken down and pass on through. Keep small apples on hand, who cares if you have to through some out, they're pretty inexpensive and pre RNY saved me from eating carbs (I would tell myself I could have the Carb AFTER I ate an apple if I was still STARVING - I never was) I haven't used the tuna packet as a sub yet because I'm basically not that hungry.
  2. Keep a tub of low fat cottage cheese and or plain yogurt in the work refrigerator so you always have something there you can eat. Keep a baggy of protein powder at work that you can mix in with the cottage cheese/ yogurt to up your protein levels.
  3. Keep a bag of low fat string cheese in the work fridge, they last for weeks.
  4. Strip as much of the junk food from your home as you can. Its not depriving your family to clear out food no one should eat ever. If your husband was an alcoholic you wouldn't keep booze around!

5'4" 49yrs at surgery date

SW - 206 CW - 128
M1 - 20lb M2 - 9 lb M3 - 7 lb M4 - 7 lb M5 - 7 lb M6 - 6 lb M7 - 4 lb M8 - 1 lb M9 - 2 lb M10 - 4 lb M11 - 0lb M12 - 3lb M13 - 0 lb M14 - 2 lb M15 - 0 lb M16 - 3 lb

Lori R.
on 8/12/17 7:30 am
VSG on 06/28/16

Thanks for your response! It's amazing how quickly we forget the basics, and a newby is a good resource, so I don't discount your advice at all! As a matter of fact, I'm sitting here making a grocery list, including your suggestions! I'm hoping to turn this ship around, and start seeing some results...

We'll keep in touch. Good luck with your journey!

Roz !!!!
on 8/11/17 1:06 pm - Butler, PA

Welcome to our LW Board and Congrats on your Surgery!!! I read the posts above and you got some good suggestions. WLS is not a miracle. It is a tool and you need to protect it and let it do it's job.

Carbs are a definitely a no no early out!! You won't be successful if your carb totals are high. Drinking and eating "good" Protein is the only way to have a Success story!!

I'm not talking just about just starches, breads and pasta, etc. Carbs include to much fruit and juices too.

The best thing you can do is be prepared. It's best to plan and prepare your meals ahead of time.

What kind of eater are you? Do you like 3 decent meals a day or are you a snacker? I'm a snacker. I eat small meals "snacks" all day long but I rarely have more than 1/2 cup of "bad" carbs in a day. I basically eat the same foods all of the time. The more I think about food, prepare food, or shop for food the more I want. Thank goodness for Walmart's on line shopping....I think it's one of my best weight loss tools!!


God is walking with me every step of the way. Because of HIM this is possible!!

RNY 10/15/2008 9+ Years!!!
Height: 4' 11" HW: 203 SW: 197 CW: 119
on Maintenance

Lori R.
on 8/12/17 7:07 am
VSG on 06/28/16

Thanks for your response, Roz! I tend to be a grazer. I get hungry, but it doesn't take much to satisfy me. So I eat small amounts frequently. We have a Lowe's Foods that will do online shopping, and a Walmart close by. That's a good suggestion! A lot of temptations in the store...and samples, like Costco! I think I'll look into this~ thanks again for your input! Have a great weekend!

on 8/12/17 1:47 am - VA

Welcome aboard! I had my surgery at age 52 and I get where you're coming from. My metabolism was totally shot but what helped me was walking nearly every hour at work for about 8 - 10 minutes. It sort of ignited the fat burner. I hope things will turn around for you.


5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
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