Saying hello! Newly sleeved...

on 5/19/16 10:55 pm
VSG on 05/13/16

May name is Natalie, im 34, Just dipping my toes in and saying hello, hoping to find stories that inspire me along the way and get answers to any questions  that will pop up. This forum is organized a bit differently than I'm used to, so hopefully I stuck this in the right place!


Attempted quick ( just kidding) back ground on me:

Ive always been overweight, but very active and athletic. Doctors never worried. I was dx'd with pcos incredibly young  ( puberty) so I knew my weight  ( including weight placement ) would be an issue. I'm built like a line backer, including my skeleton structure. 

Grew up, got married and moved far, far away. Im from canada, live in ohio now. Stopped all competitive sports, No friends, no family,  in a new place and no drivers license ..small town, no side walks... I was sort of screwed.

Depression hit,  pounds  crept up but worst of all muscle atrophied. Cholesterol went up, sugars, it was just bad. I'm a bored eater and  quantity for me is the issue. Im not a sweets person. I can easily take in 8-10k calories in one sitting multiple times a day .  I'm italian, i love my breads and pastas. I can eat a meal for 6-8 in about 15 minutes.

Any how,  I have a family now, 2 wonderful kids (3.5 and 22 months) from IVF  because of my pcos. Now that I'm done paying to make babies I've decided to finally "do me".so I can enjoy them. I can lose weight very fast. A Hundred lbs in 2-3 months - however the hormones  and my food addiction make that come back plus 20 each time. All of my doctors told me unless I do something drastic and permanent, the weight will always come back no matter how great I do. This last fall after losing weight, I gained 70 lbs in 4 weeks. I had heart issues,  breathing issues, sugars through the roof, couldn't move, couldn't play with my kids... I finaly gave up and realized I needed to fix it. now. I need surgery to fix my hormones and hit the reset button.


According to  my insurance, I was not sick enough yet for coverage. Shocker. I went in knowing that and just said I would self pay get me in asap. 

 Yada Yada yada, time passes, I see the dr,   fight for 3 hours over which procedure to have ( I wanted rny, doctor and husband wanted sleeve) and finally agree to sleeve.

Friday the 13th last week,  I had my sleeve, and not here I am. It hasn't been great, and I've already been back in hopsital for iv fluids, but hoping that my worst is over and I can truck on. My clinic requires 1 month liquids, 1 month purees, 1 month soft and then  starting solids, so august 14th, I'll be able to have 'anything' until then, bottoms up with protien shakes 

 I woke up from surgery with normal sugars, and my resting heart rate in a better range ( typical resting HR for me is 106. Doing the dishes is aerobic for me. Lol .) Now my resting rate is 76. Thrilled that so far, 2 outcomes I wanted have happened immediately 

The lowest I've weighed in the last 25 years was in the fall of 2013. I was 187. I felt AMAZING. my inspiration to lose was prepping for IVF to try and make a sibling for my son . That one worked on our first transfer.

 Anyhow, I blab.Nothing i say is short,  woops :)

 Nice to meet you all.


No forum signature just yet , il work on that in the morning, but here were my stats 

5'6" , 275 at intake, 283 ( 45+ bmi) 2 weeks prior to surgery  ( liquid diet start) 266 day of surgery 5/13/16.

Initial goal - lighter than yesterday. :)

Comfortable goal 170

Dream goal 145 (if my skeleton will even allow that)

 'Ideal bmi' goal is 136.


(deactivated member)
on 5/19/16 11:49 pm - CA

Welcome Natalie!   There are many forums within OH that can be helpful. RNY Forum, VSG Forum and General.  I'm sure you will find a lot of helpful insight here.  

Feel free to add me as a friend, if you want.  I hang out on the General Forum and RNY.  I'm 15 years post op

Best of luck to you on your journey 


on 5/20/16 2:12 am - VA

Welcome aboard!  

5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
Join us on the
Lightweights Board!
DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny

on 5/20/16 6:52 am
VSG on 05/13/16

Thanks! I'll go stick this post over in the general sleeve one. I find it insanely difficult to navigate this site ( on my phone at least, haven't tried my computer) I feel like my mother. lol! I've tried to put an avatar up for  3 hours and it just hangs and does nothing. I'll blame medications..... for now :)


 Thanks again for the help and welcome.



Roz !!!!
on 5/21/16 4:50 am - Butler, PA

Welcome and Congrats on your Sleeve!!!!!  It sounds like you have had a rough time with food.  I hope your Sleeve works just the way you want it too!! 

We are a friendly bunch here on our LW board.  I struggle with my phone too and have to use my computer...BUT I am old enough to be your  My 3 girls are all in their 30's.



God is walking with me every step of the way. Because of HIM this is possible!!

RNY 10/15/2008 9+ Years!!!
Height: 4' 11" HW: 203 SW: 197 CW: 119
on Maintenance

on 5/21/16 6:37 am
VSG on 05/13/16

Hah, Roz!

Unfortunately with a 3  and 1 year old, I don't get down into my office much, so I'll try and get down tonight. My phone is my life line!. I've seen the tutorials and the website I see is nothing like shown on them, and if i request  desktop version, nothing happens so I'll read things for now as I find them! Just a bit frustrating :)


 Thanks for the reply :)


Price S.
on 5/23/16 4:39 am - Mills River, NC

Welcome!!  I am worthless with the phone but can do the tablet, kind of.  Computer is best. 

I had surgery almost 7 years ago now because I wanted my life back.  And it worked.  I was at a horse show this weekend keeping up with the younger crowd and beating them, ha.

Sounds like you have had lots of Dr stuff but be sure your D3 is up above 50.  I think my energy improved greatly once I got my D3 up.

    LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat  66 yrs young, 4'11"  hw  220, goal 120 met at 12 months, cw 129 learning Maintainance

Between 35-40 BMI? join us on the Lightweight board.  the Lightweight Board

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