
Brandi Girl
on 12/12/15 4:59 am
WLS on 10/18/11

Thought I might list some challenges I face and ask how others deal with the same challenges.

EATING OUT: I will admit I did not go out to eat for the first year and a half after my surgery because I did not know what to order. I either did not like the options they had or was not sure if they 'fit my program'. How have you all dealt with eating out?

UNEXPECTED GUEST FOR DINNER: When I do plan out my meals I make just enough for my husband and I  because our children are all grown. So on the occasions others do come by I am not sure how to handle more company for dinner. I usually fall back on old bad habits of just going and getting pizza etc. :( Any pointers or suggestions?

BAD DAY EATING: On days that I end up working VERY late or have a very bad day I tend to eat poorly! I either do not have the time to make the dinner I was planning or I'll admit I start to tell myself "My day was hard enough I  deserve this cheat". Now while I KNOW this is wrong just wondering how others deal with days like this. Especially the getting home very late nights.

Wishing us all luck and thank you for any idea's you might have.


on 12/13/15 9:12 am - Eastlake, OH

Hi Brandi!

Good topic.

For eating out, is usually pretty easy for me because my husband is a meat and potato kind of guy. Love getting a 6 oz sirloin and a vegie or salad, and have half left to bring home. On occasion I have found that most places will grill chicken and put it on top of a side salad. I always order a water, even though I dont drink it because the servers get a little confused that I dont want anything to drink.

Unexpected guest, thats a tough one, can you order pizza for them and stick with your original meal? Our local place makes a great salad with lunch meat,cheese and olives.

Bad day eating, has turned out to go on for weeks for me. The regain sucks, so back on track I am. Being tired and not having things prepared ahead are horrible for me. So today I am trying to get some easy things together I can eat right away and bring to work. Like lunch meat roll ups with cheese, or having some tuna patties or grilled chicken ready to go in portioned out containers. I also got some almonds I need to portion out, that way I cant go overboard so easily. I also want to have some sugar free pudding prepared to help with the sweet tooth and maybe some sugar free fudgesicles too.



SW 230 Preop 205 GW 130 LW 131 CW 135 Ht 5'1"

Brandi Girl
on 12/13/15 4:11 pm
WLS on 10/18/11

All GREAT idea's! Thank you for the idea's. For lunch's I eat lunch meat roll ups with cheese, greek yogurt with chopped walnuts, or I will grill a sirloin burger on my George Foreman grill. I liked grilled burgers or grilled chicken but I do find it dry and am always looking for dipping sauce idea's. 

I need to go back to the times I use stick to my own eating plan even when my family or guest were eating a different meal. I have just gotten weak on my willpower and instead join in with their eating even when I know it is a very bad choice for me to make. Working on that one!!

I have decided to start keeping a log in my phone of the restaurants we regularly visit and what items on their menu I CAN and should eat. Then just start to order when I arrive so I don't even look at the menu. The more I look at the menu the more i get tempted to order poorly.

Thanks again for the idea's. BTW: sugar free fudgesicles?? Why have I never thought of that?? AWESOME :)


on 12/15/15 11:48 am
RNY on 03/24/15

Not sure if you are aware but My Fitness Pal is amazing.  I can usually find anything from a Wendy's chili to an outback grilled chicken listed with all the nutritional info.  MFP does all the work, all I have to do is put the food in and it does the rest, tracks everything for the day, makes life a lot easier for me.  The other thing I do is measure/weigh my food.  Eating out can be scary but with the right tools we can do anything!  Good Luck!!


Consult: 235 Surgery: 209 Current: 158.5 Goal: 140     




Brandi Girl
on 12/15/15 1:07 pm
WLS on 10/18/11

Thank you for the suggestion. I have seen many people post about My Fitness Pal but have not checked it out because to be I honestly am not very tech savvy :/ But it sounds great and I will check it out for sure! 


on 12/15/15 2:00 pm
RNY on 03/24/15

It's a very easy program.  If you know how to use the internet you can use MFP.  If you have any questions or get stuck let me know and I'll try to help you out.  Good Luck!!!

Consult: 235 Surgery: 209 Current: 158.5 Goal: 140     




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