Three Scale victorys
I know this is kinda crazy but I am a goal oriented person. It drives me, so between my two tickers below and my current weight in my signature line it gives me three goals, one every three/four lbs lost. For instance my three goals to reach will be:
Total Lbs lost, Goal will be 70, Almost there with two lbs too go... then rotate to bottom...
Lbs left to lose to goal, Not to far at 4 lbs to next goal of 29 (under 30) ...then rotate to bottom...
Current weight goal of next 10 lb increment, Goal 159 (under 160), Long way to go at 9 lbs to lose... but by the time this goal is rotated up, ill have already lost 5 of the lbs in the rotation... So not too bad...
For me its all mind over matter & mini goals! Thought this might help someone...
Good luck to all those on the journey!
I know I do much better with time lines and goals. When I have a competition coming up with my small pony, I am much more scheduled and deliberate about by training than I am with my large pony who I don't compete anymore.
When I was losing, I set goals then blew past them, surprised and pleased. But my major goals were following my plan, keeping my carbs below 30 net, keeping my protein above 100g. I knew if I did those things which were in my control, the scale, which is not in my control, would someday follow suit.
I'd like to take off 5 lbs of this regain. Maybe I haven't set it as a firm enough goal to get there, hummmm.
66 yrs young, 4'11" hw 220, goal 120 met at 12 months, cw 129 learning Maintainance
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