High risk!
Hi there...my surgery is scheduled for this Wednesday. I had it rescheduled once because I have Afib and they found I also have a blood factor deficiency which impacts my healing...I heal too fast have too many platelets. The docs would schedule and move forward with the surgery if they weren't sure you were ready for it...they don't want you to fail and they themselves don't want to fail. Think positive...know you are capable of getting through this...and you are strong enough to overcome any obstacles that may present themselves. Best wishes!!!
Hi Shaychern, How exciting, your surgery is 4 days away. Did you get cardioverted or did your afib go away on its own? Do you take blood thinners for your afib. I take praxda but want to change to something that is easier to digest. Where are you getting your surgery? How much are you wanting to lose? Thank you for your wishes. I send best wishes to you also. Please let me know how all goes. I am right behind you. Thanks for your support.
I take medications including pradaxa. For the surgery they are having me take lovinox injections before and after. I have a cardiologist and hematologist on my team because my Afib and my blood factors aren't of the garden variety. I have some genetic based issues that require some management during and after the surgery. But if my rather oddball situations can be managed there is hope for you and everyone else with cardiac or blood issues. :-). Good luck and I will let you know how things go for me this Wednesday.
Hi Shaya, I have afib also, and am taking pradaxa. The internist told me to stop taking the pradaxa 3 days prior to surgery. This does worry me due to high risk for clots if my heart starts racing, as you know. He also told me I will have to switch to coumadin after surgery as pradaxa is not approved for bariatric patients. I will probably have lovenox in hosptital, and maybe for a time afterward. I was wondering when you will be stopping the pradaxa, and will you be starting the lovenox injections before your surgery?
Hi Judy, I will stop today...three days prior and tomorrow and Tuesday I will take the lovinox. The day of the surgery it will be up to my surgeon what I take...and the aftercare I will address with the team once I am firmly seated on the "losers bench". It may be something new or the same old thing...but check with me in a week, I will be happy to share the details.
I had a slew of issues similar but not totally the same as yours. I was 62 when I had RNY 4+ years ago. It was the best thing I ever did for myself. Now my only med is Prilosec. I hope you will have as great a success as I have had. Looking forward to your journey!!!
66 yrs young, 4'11" hw 220, goal 120 met at 12 months, cw 129 learning Maintainance
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