2 yrs post op update
I'm just a few weeks away from my two year surgiversary
I just wanted to post an update for those that are considering surgery or are freshly out of surgery so you can hear one more journey that may help you make a decision or at least understand what's coming.
I had the gastric sleeve and there is absolutely nothing I would change about it. It has been the single-most smartest decision I've made in my life and I have not one minor regret about it!
My surgery was done by Dr. Alvarez in Mexico and he was a wonderful surgeon and I recommend him to anyone! I didn't exercise for the first 6 months or so. The weight was coming off and I didn't really need to or want to. But then when I got to a certain size, I magically WANTED to. I wanted to improve myself even more. I think that's what is so great about losing weight, it begets more improvements and positive attitude changes. I began walking and adding some jogging. After a couple of months I was running...like full on, as fast as my legs would go, bolting through my neighborhood full-speed. The only way I can describe it is...FREEDOM. I was free. If I can run, I can do anything.
I tracked my food/protein intake religiously. It was a great tool to use to make SURE I was getting what I needed and to keep my calories in a healthy range. It was a great habit to get in. I know people on here (at least back when I read all the time) jump down people's throats when they say these things but: I don't track anymore. I should and I may get back to it. But I don't have to. Yes, since I sustained an injury and deal with an illness, I haven't exercised much in the past year, I have had a regain of about 15 lbs. Five came off easily and I'm working on the other 10. Even still, I look and feel great. Considering my highest weight being around 248 and my current weight being around 159, I'd say I'm okay with it. I'd like to get back to 150 and I probably will, or at least get close. But I just have been able to LIVE normally. I eat small portions, admittedly I *can* eat more than immediately post op but it's still a child-size portion. I still need protein shakes because it's easier to get a good chunk of my daily protein through liquids. It's convenient and fast and healthy to have one shake for breakfast and then have the rest of my protein through things like eggs, cheese, meat, some nuts. I don't have trouble with carbs like I used to. I like to have some but it's never in the form of bread. I don't have room for it and don't really desire it. I'm fine putting chicken salad in a small dish and eating it with a fork.
I still love dressing my new body. I have never cared about jewelry, accessorizing, adding cardigans and nice shoes, etc because I figured nothing would make me look cute with so much extra fat. NOW? LOVE IT. I love feeling good about my appearance and being able to be in any social situation and I am NOT the fattest one in the room. I am not self-conscious about how I look or what others are thinking of me and my size. My weight consumed every social situation in the past, it determined what I attended, what I didn't, where we went on vacations, whether we got family pictures, etc. Now, I just LIVE and my weight isn't a concern in the least. Of course I'm a woman and never totally satisfied but I'm not consumed by my size.
I would recommend this surgery to ANYONE with a weight problem that is tired of their weight ruling their life.
Lowish BMI? See Lightweights Board! Lightweight Creed For more on DS see www.DSfacts.com
If you don't have peace, it isn't because someone took it from you; you gave it away. You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens in you John C Maxwell Sleeve 2010 Dr López Corvala, Mexico. DS 2012 Dr Himpens, Belgium
I my DS
I don't track every bite I eat anymore. But I eat pretty much the same things over and over. I do log on Miles and Menus and find that very helpful to keeping me honest!
Sounds like you are doing great. Hurray.
66 yrs young, 4'11" hw 220, goal 120 met at 12 months, cw 129 learning Maintainance
Between 35-40 BMI? join us on the Lightweight board. the Lightweight Board