the big interview
I tried those spanx products on. They make bras also.
I didn't find them that good. My belly protrudes out - like a man's gut. It's fairly firm, as far as bellies go. So the control thing did not bring it back as much as I thought it should. Now, it corralled the fat every where else, and made my butt disappear - but the belly still stuck out. If nothing else, it should have been shifted up and into the bra by this contraption.
I can't think when so much pressure on my fat is happening. Maybe my grey matter is housed in those fat cells... I do not know how people wear those things. And if I had to tinkle, I would have to undress completely and try to fight my way out of it.
No matter what it is in life, I'm pretty sure I either don't want it, can't afford it, or the good Lord does not want me to have it if I have to wear one of those things in order to get it. And it's expensive, as far as torture devices go.