I was schedule for sleeve surgery on Monday Sept 17th. i started my journey in January. I was not required to go on a supervised diet. My BMI was at 40. Since then I was diganosed with gastroparesis and I've not been able to eat for several months. On liquid diet since June.(nausea vomiting severe pain in stomach) I have lost enough weight to bring my BMI to 33. I have been talking to the clinic all this time going to the classes they knew everything. Told me they would go by my original weight of 40 BMI not to worry. See doctor Aug 21. He said the surgery should help my GP (which I had already reseached) But now they tell him I need to gain back to 35 BMI to have surgery! Surgery was already schedule at this time they went ahead and told me what time to be at hospital, and to go talk to ins lady. She said insurance change rules have to go by weight before surgery not original weight!!! So go home and gain weight!!! Go to regular doctor on Monday the 10th get weighed in and get documented on their records fax to them (they are two and half hours from me) and if I'm at least 35 BMI it will be a go. I'm diabetic so its very hard to gain with only liquid protein shakes and not add so much sugar to cause my diabetes to go out if control again! But I did it. Go to Doc today to weigh in. Oh forgot to get fax number call in to get and was told to be sure to get doctor to write how I gain the weight everything I eat, that i was no longer vomiting, that I was eating food, and my GP was in remission and that I was in good health!!!! What the heck!!! She said go get weighed thats it. I told her I didnt have an appointment because she didnt tell me all of this before. Well we have to show the insurance that you are all better now!!! How does the insurance even know how sick I've been? She called and told them!!! Now they want all of this stuff before i can have surgery and i have to be reapproved! It took them two months to approve me the first time and I have all kind of health problems! Now i have to be in her words "good health" and a BMI of at least 35 to have the surgery!!!! So they cancelled my surgery because they dont believe that I can do it. They said wait 6 months to a year and try again!!! I'm so MAD, and I"m so depressed. Has anyone else gone thur this BS before??? They said I could go self pay but I dont think I could borrow the money. Just last week the ins was paying for it!!! Why should I have too! They said they might be able to get it approve for medical surgery instead of weight loss for my GP. But if I get turn down they believe my insurance would never approve me for weight loss again!! I dont know what to do any suggestions? Any one??? Please??? Anything?????
Losing my mind in KY