XPOST Pain at 3 months
RNY on 06/01/12
What could cause interminent pain under my larger incision at 3months out? I have noticed in the last couple of days I have had some pain there. I have it when exercising and sometimes when sitting or laying so I cant quite figure it out. Any input would be great. Thanks.
I don't know for sure but I would probably think it was adhesions, or scar tissue inside where you are healing. Scar tissue is painful because in wraps around nerve endings and that is actually what hurts, not the scar tissue. That has been the issue with my new knee. I hate the stuff and my body is wonderful at producing it.
If it continues, you may want to talk to your surgeon just to be sure, but I imagine it is nothing they are going to do anything about. I guess it could be a hernia also. I had 2 huge ones but they didn't hurt.
If it continues, you may want to talk to your surgeon just to be sure, but I imagine it is nothing they are going to do anything about. I guess it could be a hernia also. I had 2 huge ones but they didn't hurt.
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I'm not sure where your larger incision is, but I recommend that you talk to your doc. I had (and continue to have) abdominal pain, and my surgeon and primary care doc are both very vigilant about the pain. He's done every test multiple times, and monitors it closely.
That being said, I also have a different pain in my ab muscles from a slight tear that I did a couple of weeks ago. It hurts when I exercise or lie down, as I use those muscles to stablize my core. This particular pain responds to treatment with ice for 20 minutes every couple of hours.
That being said, I also have a different pain in my ab muscles from a slight tear that I did a couple of weeks ago. It hurts when I exercise or lie down, as I use those muscles to stablize my core. This particular pain responds to treatment with ice for 20 minutes every couple of hours.
RNY on 06/01/12
My big incision is on my left side about half way between my belly button and my rib cage but more off to the side and probably a little closer to my ribcage. It is more of dull ache but like I said it does come and go it hurts a little more constant woith exercise. It happens at other times too and there is really no pattern to it--not after eating etc it is just pretty random. I have an appt with my surgeon in 2 weeks..if it keeps up I wll ask him about it then.