Lightweights About to Have Surgery...Read
Hello fellow sleevers...
I am 7 days post op (7/27 with the amazing Dr. Ramos-Kelly) and a few interesting things happened that I thought I would share so you might know what to expect....
The day after my surgery I was up and about and the 2nd day I was shopping. No pain at any time but I still have bruises from my incisions. I was with a few other people and WE WERE ALL shopping together. One fellow sleever and I looked at each other and wondered whether or not we were really operated on.
My incisions are small and not nearly as nasty as I thought they would be.
There is no describing to a pre-sleever the feeling you have after surgery with regards to restriction. You will literally feel every ounce of liquid go through your body. IT WILL BE UNCOMFORTABLE and even hurt... but it always passes... just like gas. And it also gets better every single day so you'll feel less like a freak when you drink. I can now take a couple sips in a row and I ate super thinned out oatmeal today that filled me up in 6 very small bites/slips.
I was active on the boards before my surgery and have a wonderful July Sleevers group but didn't feel like looking at the boards until just yesterday. A weird mental block.
I have not had a BM in 7 days (not terribly worried and taking milk of magnesia now).
Food will not even enter your mind at most times but you'll sometimes see a food on TV and have pangs of regret. I saw a cheeseburger last night and my heart ached but today I could care less.
I cheated with the cucumber and carrot and I also chewed on a pepperoni stick for flavor. I have also sucked on a couple caramels when the shakes, gatorade and soup proved incredibly boring.
You might gain weight after your surgery... I gained almost 5 lbs and could feel the bloat from the fluids in my tummy.
Trying to be social and eating with anyone is impossible. When I returned from Mexico on day 4, I was attending a seminar with my best friend (not aware of my surgery) and she wanted to get a drink and eat. Off we go and I order a drink and tell her my tummy isn't feeling too well so I am just gonna get crudite. Tried to look normal - had a couple sips of my ****tail, ate one cucumber and one carrot stick after chewing for what seemed like an eternity. My sleeve (Chiquita as I call her) was none too happy and it was a moment I wondered if I did the wrong thing.
I have only lost 2 lbs in 7 days post-op. I feel a little weak from not eating much. Force yourself to drink the shakes and take the meds... you need sustenance to deal with daily life and not fall into a depression.
I suggest locking up your scale because you will be tempted to weigh all the time... especially after reading the boards and knowing that people have lost up to 20 plus lbs the first week. For low bmi's - it's most likely going to be slow!
Get back on the boards as soon as you can and ASK FOR HELP... this is why we are all hear and the people that have gone before us and their stories will lead us down a path of success.
Just my 2 cents as I sit in bed with a huge thunderstorm roaring outside...
Best of luck to everyone embarking on this journey.
I am 7 days post op (7/27 with the amazing Dr. Ramos-Kelly) and a few interesting things happened that I thought I would share so you might know what to expect....
The day after my surgery I was up and about and the 2nd day I was shopping. No pain at any time but I still have bruises from my incisions. I was with a few other people and WE WERE ALL shopping together. One fellow sleever and I looked at each other and wondered whether or not we were really operated on.
My incisions are small and not nearly as nasty as I thought they would be.
There is no describing to a pre-sleever the feeling you have after surgery with regards to restriction. You will literally feel every ounce of liquid go through your body. IT WILL BE UNCOMFORTABLE and even hurt... but it always passes... just like gas. And it also gets better every single day so you'll feel less like a freak when you drink. I can now take a couple sips in a row and I ate super thinned out oatmeal today that filled me up in 6 very small bites/slips.
I was active on the boards before my surgery and have a wonderful July Sleevers group but didn't feel like looking at the boards until just yesterday. A weird mental block.
I have not had a BM in 7 days (not terribly worried and taking milk of magnesia now).
Food will not even enter your mind at most times but you'll sometimes see a food on TV and have pangs of regret. I saw a cheeseburger last night and my heart ached but today I could care less.
I cheated with the cucumber and carrot and I also chewed on a pepperoni stick for flavor. I have also sucked on a couple caramels when the shakes, gatorade and soup proved incredibly boring.
You might gain weight after your surgery... I gained almost 5 lbs and could feel the bloat from the fluids in my tummy.
Trying to be social and eating with anyone is impossible. When I returned from Mexico on day 4, I was attending a seminar with my best friend (not aware of my surgery) and she wanted to get a drink and eat. Off we go and I order a drink and tell her my tummy isn't feeling too well so I am just gonna get crudite. Tried to look normal - had a couple sips of my ****tail, ate one cucumber and one carrot stick after chewing for what seemed like an eternity. My sleeve (Chiquita as I call her) was none too happy and it was a moment I wondered if I did the wrong thing.
I have only lost 2 lbs in 7 days post-op. I feel a little weak from not eating much. Force yourself to drink the shakes and take the meds... you need sustenance to deal with daily life and not fall into a depression.
I suggest locking up your scale because you will be tempted to weigh all the time... especially after reading the boards and knowing that people have lost up to 20 plus lbs the first week. For low bmi's - it's most likely going to be slow!
Get back on the boards as soon as you can and ASK FOR HELP... this is why we are all hear and the people that have gone before us and their stories will lead us down a path of success.
Just my 2 cents as I sit in bed with a huge thunderstorm roaring outside...
Best of luck to everyone embarking on this journey.
Sounds like you are doing fine but I would stay away from carrots and cukes for a while. You need more time for all those stitches to heal before you start with hard stuff like carrots no matter how much you chew. It is hard to order real food in the first few weeks so I understand your deliama but be careful. Your Dr is a long way away.
Otherwise, you are right. Many of us gain with the extra fluids from surgery and it takes a while to not feel bloated. I loved not caring if I ever ate again but again, correct, get your protein in and your fluids. You will be feeling less weak soon. In the mean while, sip, rest and walk, hide the scale if you need to. You can't help but lose in the beginning.
Welcome to the Loser's bench. Glad you are home and doing well.
Otherwise, you are right. Many of us gain with the extra fluids from surgery and it takes a while to not feel bloated. I loved not caring if I ever ate again but again, correct, get your protein in and your fluids. You will be feeling less weak soon. In the mean while, sip, rest and walk, hide the scale if you need to. You can't help but lose in the beginning.
Welcome to the Loser's bench. Glad you are home and doing well.
66 yrs young, 4'11" hw 220, goal 120 met at 12 months, cw 129 learning Maintainance
Between 35-40 BMI? join us on the Lightweight board. the Lightweight Board
Sounds like you're doing great and this is excellent pre-view for pre-ops. :)
5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012
Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish?
Join us on the Lightweights Board!
DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny
Welcome to the Loser's Bench!! Sounds like you are doing great. I agree with Price, try to stay on your surgeon's plan atleast until your stitches inside your sleeve are healed some things might be harder on your sleeve than you think.
Thanks for the details for people waiting on their surgery. Sounds like you had a great surgeon!!
Thanks for the details for people waiting on their surgery. Sounds like you had a great surgeon!!