Good Morning. The last straw
I had a boss of mine who was looking into it when I lived out here the last time. She was pretty quiet and secretive about it, but I did know about it. i didn't kjn9ow anything about WLS....
She had her surgery and was throwing up all the time. I'm thinking "ugh"... I don't want to do that but was sympathetic for her.
Shortly after I went back to Michigan again and attended my son's graduation from high school - and had a picture taken. I've always been up/down 20-30 lbs, and at this point I was up. The picture was awful... but... the turniing point was when I was in NY for work and had a hard time keeping up with my coworker walking. I've always been active and never really had much of a problem before, but now my back and feet were killing me.
I had already went to the local bariatric intro meeting, but wasn't really sure I wanted WLS. I figured I should be able to do it myself, but in NY I emailed my former boss and askied her for her surgeon's info (since the one in michigan was giving me all kinds of problems and obstacles). I called the office, they had me approved within 2.5 hours! My surgery was scheduled for 2 weeks after. I jumped through a bunch of hoops to get all my pre-op testing done, but it was all done in time! So, from my initial meeting to surgery was 4 weeks...
BEST thing I've every done for myself. I've kept 85+ lbs off, even though I've put a few back on.
HW-218/SW-208/CW-126/ Lowest Weight-121/Goal-125 - hit 8/23/09/Height-5'3"
Regain 30 lbs from 2012 to 2016 - got back on track and lost it. Took 8 months.
90+/- pounds lost BMI - 24 or so
Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish?
Join us on the Lightweights Board!
66 yrs young, 4'11" hw 220, goal 120 met at 12 months, cw 129 learning Maintainance
Between 35-40 BMI? join us on the Lightweight board. the Lightweight Board
I had to pay $5k out of pocket and would have paid 100% if I had to. I also had a 6 month class to attend. Now I realize how important that class was and am thankful for it.
I had my last baby in 1995 and I weighed about 225 when she was born, my highest ever. A year or so later I weighed 135. A year or so after that I was on my up again. I kept going on diets and losing weight, never as much as before, and then regaining, always more then before. In about 1999 my cousin had WLS and I asked my doctor about it but my insurance didn't cover it so I gave up on that idea. In 2000 I joined OH and looked into it some more. In 2001 I got on disability and I got Medicare and found out that it covered WLS but I was getting a handle on my weight again. This time I think I lost to about 170 lbs and then 9/11 happened and that set me off and I started eating uncontrollably again. I remember that Thanksgiving my stepfather had just died and my mother had come to visit me and we went to my cousin's house for Thanksgiving and I just decided to eat what I wanted and I never stopped and by May, 2002 I weighed about 230 lbs. That is when I asked my PCP for a referral for WLS. I got an appointment for that August, saw the surgeon who told me that Medicare didn't have any prequalifications and scheduled me for that Oct. I didn't have to do anything other then the normal pre admission testings. I was going to have a RNY but before the surgery I was going to a support group with some people who had the DS and we would go out to eat and I saw what they could eat and they told me how wonderful the DS was and all the things you could eat that you couldn't eat with the RNY and I could drink with my meals with the DS and I wouldn't dump and I decided to have a DS instead. They were eating things with bread and dessert and all kinds of goodies. That was pretty much the extent of my research. I was told that I would need to take more vitamins with a DS but it wasn't really stressed about how important it would be. I was told I would need to take a multivitamin, 1500 mg of Calcium Citrate, Iron if it was low and ADEKs since they were fat soluble. I figured that was doable.
I didn't tell anyone in my family that I was having WLS. I found out my sister was having WLS in June and she thought the only reason I was having it was because she was even though I already had an appointment with my surgeon.
I was really naive even though I should have known better. I kept hearing that it was only a tool but I also remember hearing people saying things like "The RNY is a tool, the DS is a no brainier". That is what I wanted to hear because that is what I needed. I figured a tool wouldn't do me any good because I knew I was a die hard compulsive overeater and these people made it seem like you could be a compulsive overeater and still lose weight and keep it off with a DS. I know it sounds like I am exaggerating but I belonged to a message board at the time (not OH) and there were posts all the time for recipes like Krispy Kreme Bread pudding and things like that. In fact, we spend a good deal of time talking about all the goodies we were eating. At that time there didn't seem to be a correlation between the crap we were eating and the intestinal distress that everyone seemed to experience with the diarrhea and noxious gas. There were a lot of conversation about air fresheners and Flagyl and probiotics, too. I honestly didn't connect my bathroom issues with my horrible way of eating. I did know that I was eating massive amounts of food due to my lack of restriction and I figured that what goes in must come out so I attributed that to a good deal of my diarrhea but the rest of it I just figured came with the territory and to me it was a small price to pay to be thin. In fact, during my first year I got terribly sick from bacterial overgrowth that caused an autoimmune reaction that caused reactive arthritis and dermatitis and I couldn't get out of my bed for a month and I was advised to have my surgery reversed then and I refused because I was thin and I didn't care what the price was at that time. Eight years later when I was extremely sick and could barely leave my bed and wasn't thin I begged for a reversal because I had regained most of my weight therefore it wasn't worth it to me suffer with all that and not have any benefits.
Anyway, it has taken a lot for me to figure out what it means to have a tool to help me stick to a healthier way of eating. Maybe if I had grasped that concept a while ago a lot of stuff could have been spared but there is a saying I've heard that goes "I had to go where I went and do what I did to get where I got. I am neither proud nor ashamed, I am just me now."
WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010
High Weight (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.
My mother who is MO and has DM, asthma, RA, gout, two knee repalcements, HTN, high cholesterol and sleep apnea had a bad fall. She was watching my children while I went out with my husband to dinner and she could not get up on her own until someone got there to help her. She has a lot of pain and takes a ton of medication. I did not want that to be my future.
Hopefully, provided when the pulmonogist and cardiologist offices get back to me with appointment dates, I will be having my RNY in October/November-ish. Then no more 22 pants, xxl shirts, and I will not have so much back pain.