World's Oldest Female Body Builder-must see
This is a must see link. She is amazing - as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside! Take a few minutes and be inspired.
Pretty typical for the BB world ind-grandma-flab-fab/story?id=11149879
"She eats smart. Shepherd's diet may not be for everyone, but her focus on healthy foods is a lesson in restraint. ind-grandma-flab-fab/story?id=11149879
"She eats smart. Shepherd's diet may not be for everyone, but her focus on healthy foods is a lesson in restraint.
Shepherd said she eats several small meals a day as part of a diet plan she formulated with her trainers. She takes in 1,700 calories a day, mostly comprised of boiled egg whites, chicken, vegetables and a liquid egg white drink. And she is adamant that she does not use performance-enhancing drugs or even supplements beyond vitamin D."